I'll never admit this to anyone, but I did cave once. I broke my resolve and paid her a visit, but it was only once.

It was a Sunday night when she hadn't already been to school for the whole week and the not knowing had become too much for me. I'd only done it to put my wolf's mind at ease so we could finally move on for fucks sake!

So I shifted into my wolf and through the bond, I tracked her faint scent, I tracked it down to a trailer park at the edge of town. The park smelled of weed, alcohol, and other shit I can't even name, but all that was easily overshadowed by her scent. She was here, shifting back, I found her smell was coming from a little red mobile home, that was where it was strongest.

It was quiet, and the lights were off. I mean it was about 2 am so what else did I expect? Listening closely using my wolf hearing, I heard sniffling. She was crying.

It was distressing my wolf and he whined in my head, begging me to shift back into wolf form, but it only pissed me off. Her cries should have no effect on me, it must mean I have to step up my game. It must mean I have to try harder.


So for the next couple weeks, that's exactly what I did. I either stood by and watched as I let Vivienne and Tanner taunt and torment her relentlessly, or I initiated the whole thing.

I honestly don't know if it was working, I didn't feel any different since the day I met her, okay, that's a lie. I was completely different before her, now my wolf wasn't coming around as I thought he would. Now not only do I have to fight through the bond but also through my wolf's growing resentment for me.

My wolf and I are always one, always have been and I always thought we would be, but I can feel him distancing himself from me. I had to stop myself multiple times this past month from shifting, he'd sneak attack me with a surprise shift when he knew I my guard was down momentarily, luckily I was able to recover and regain myself in the knick of time.

Then when I visited my uncle's pack, I had to make up an excuse as to why I couldn't go scouting with them, because when I finally let my wolf shift, he refused. It was his way of punishing me the only way he really could. The thing I look forward to the most was getting my wolf and best friend back after I finally broke this bond


I was shocked, I admit I didn't see it coming. This girl, who never once fought back, no matter how bad it got, or how much bad shit I threw out her, she never fought back. Sure she resisted sometimes but she never outright... snapped. It hurt more than I expected when she hurled her insults at me.

"What did I do to make you hate me so much!?"

If only you knew.

"I think I deserve to know that much! So tell me asshole!"

Did she just call me an asshole?

"You know what? I hate you!"


"You're a bully! A horrible person!"

Yeah, whatever. It didn't bother me, it didn't.

"You're a monster!"

My wolf whined and howled.

"I only feel sorry for you!... I don't care that I'm trailer trash! I don't care that I'm poor! I don't care that I'm ugly! I'd rather be this then a nasty bitter person like you!"

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