Chapter Five

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TRIGGER WARNING!!! (Derogatory slurs, physical/sexual assault, suicide, violence)


I didn't end up going to the party. Not only because Jean warned me not to, but because my dad would never let me. Instead, I spent my weekend getting a new pair of glasses, a definite upgrade from the thick and ugly ones that I had before, at least these ones were much smaller and suited my face better.

I sit on my bedroom floor finishing my art project when my father passes by, dropping a bag at my feet.

"What's this?"

"You say you need bras, así que encontré algunos en Goodwill."

Opening up the plastic bag I look inside to see two bras, one bra very obviously too small for me, and the other four times my chest size.

I sighed.

"Dad this isn't- nevermind, thank you dad," I said giving up, pick and choose your battles Angeline, pick and choose 'em.

Monday morning, after brushing my teeth, I try making the smaller bra at least work, but I end up just giving up on that completely too. It did absolutely nothing to contain them, I didn't even bother with the bigger bra, I'd just end up looking ridiculous with it on.

Triple layers of shirts and sweaters it is then.

Arriving to school, I don't expect improvement at all from Friday, but at least I can handle being ignored, yea it's lonely but I rather that than being singled out and picked on by Keenan and his friends.

I'll just apologize to Vivienne for not being able to come to her party and all would be swell... I hope.

I'm putting my books in my locker when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

Turning around, I'm surprised to see that it's Sam standing behind me, Sam being Jean's tablemate.

"Oh. Hi Sam," well this was mildly peculiar. Sammy was mostly quiet at lunch, and out of all them, she seemed the most hesitant towards me.

"Hey Angeline," she greeted. "Mr. Howard wanted me to get you, he's in the east gym. The one by the pool."

"Mr. Howard the PE teacher?"


That's strange, "do you know what he wants?"

"Oh, I just think he wants to talk to you about the new unit since you came later and all."

"Oh, but I'll be late to first period."

"He'll write you a late pass. Here, I'll show you the way."

"Okay, sure."

She leads me through the halls and I can barely keep up with her speed. She seems in a hurry and almost fidgety. Weaving our way through the crowd, she leads me towards the east wing of the school, where the halls clear almost completely as the students rush to get into their homeroom. We stop in front of two black double doors.

"Okay we're here, just go through that corridor there and you'll be in the gym." She said, and just like she was in a hurry to bring me here, she was in a hurry to leave too.

"Thanks for showing me the way Sam."

"Yea you're welcome," she answered, from basically down the hall already.

As I make my way through the doors, I can't stop or help the feeling in the pit of my stomach that something isn't right. What teacher can't wait to pull a student during class? Why so early in the morning before first period even started? Once I'm in the gymnasium I see that the lights aren't even on, the gym is dark and there's no one in sight.

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