"Yeah, you would get on with Skye very well." He mutters under his breath.

We talk for another 20 minutes before I have to go.

"It's been an honour meeting you, Sir." I say with a smile as I shake his hand.

"Same here, Agent Hemmings. If you're up for it, I would love for you to join my team. You'd be a great addition. Besides, we always need fresh faces." He leaves the warehouse and leaves me alone.

In the moment of finally being alone for once, I open the message from the unknown sender. It simply says: 'Call me'. Hesitantly, I call the number - it rings 3 times before someone picks up.

"Miss Hemmings, lovely to hear from you." A monotone voice says, a male. He sounds familiar.

"Who is this and how did you get my number?" I ask.

"I have great interest in you. I believe that you could be an asset to my work."

"An asset? Your work? What do you do exactly?"

"Ah, so many questions. Relax. There's no need to rush."

"I recognise your voice." I mumble into the phone.

"Strange as we've never met. I've only seen of you in action."

"Wait. I know who you are." Realisation dawns on me. "You're Grant Ward, aren't you?"

"Yes I am."

"And you're trying to track me by tracing this call."

"Smart girl, but we'll let you go for now. Just remember, we'll find you eventually. HYDRA always finds people like you." He ends the call  and I freak out a little.

I have HYDRA now on my tail. This means only one thing, I have to leave. I have to leave now. If I don't, then my friends will be in danger.

I need to go home.

After checking that there's no one around, I get the winds to carry me back to Avenger's tower. They think that I took a stroll around New York to get a feel for it, thinking that I'm staying here more permanently. I head straight to my floor and I grab a bag. I pack some clothes and my Avengers jacket. I also chuck in some of my stuff that they've given me over the year, keepsakes that I can't bear to lose.

I know that I can't take loads or it'll be suspicious. Quickly, I drop my bag off in the black room, hoping that it stays there until I return. I pocket my shield badge, hiding it so the others can't see it.

Desperately, I try to think of an excuse of why I'm heading home. In my head, I brainstorm for 10 minutes of what to say until I come up with an idea. I need to go home to wrap things up there so that I can transfer to a university in this world, letting me settle here permanently. I hope that they don't call my bluff when I say that I'm heading home for only a couple of days, when in reality, I'm not planning on coming back here.

I get in the lift with my phone in hand. I press the button for the living area, knowing that most of them will be there. Tony did mention how they were going to have a team cook off.

The doors open and, sure enough, all of them are in there, as well as Pepper and Maria.

"Hey guys." I say. "How's the cook off going? Let me guess, Clint is winning?"

"Nope. Tony is. Not sure how - he's probably getting JARVIS to help." Clint mumbles, evidently annoyed that he's losing to Tony.

"Wow Tony. Well done." I clap my hand on his shoulder, laughing.

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