The Fall

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"Surely not."

I looked up at the pillar for what seemed like the hundredth time and followed it all the way down.

"S-surely not."

An image of a figure falling flashed through my mind.

I quickly shook it away and chuckled to my self.

"I'm stupid. Why would I even think he'd do such a thing. No. T-there's no way."

I turned from the pillar and marched back over to the crater of where his tent once laid.

"Yea, he must of moved somewhere else. Yea that's it."

The more I stared at the ruble the more I felt something creep into my chest. Something I hadn't felt before. Complete and utter panic.

I ignored the rapid rise and fall of my chest and instinctively reached into the front pocket of my suit only to realize that the one thing that would bring me comfort, was gone.

My compass.

The compass that Wilbur worked so hard on to make. The compass that would lead me to Tommy no matter where he was.

My hand trembled as it fell back to my side. I heaved in a quivering breath and closed my eyes trying my best to control my breathing.

"M-maybe Dream knows where he is. Yea he must know."

I turned back around and walked towards the ocean, ignoring the looming pillar in the sky.

"Yea. Dream knows where he is. He'll tell me and I'll go to Tommy. I'll tell him to come back. I'll talk to Dream and tell him that Tommy is no longer exiled. Yea yea that sounds good."

I reached for my boat ready to hop in when I heard it. The faintest sound of a twig snapping.

I immediately tensed up and spun around, sword in hand.

I looked through the darkness of night. Looked at the destruction that laid before me and my heart broke once more at the sight. Everything that Tommy had built was ruined.

There's no way he'd do this. Some one else must've and that someone could be here. Right. Now.

"Who's there!" I tried my best to make myself sound as intimidating as possible but couldn't help my voice slightly crack at the end.

I slowly walked forward, towards the woods. It was quite. Too quite.

The faintest sight of red out of the corner of my eye made me turn, sword up and ready but before I knew it the sound of glass crashing onto the floor filled the woods.

A strange gas immediately formed. It kinda seemed like...

A splash potion.

I moved my arm over my mouth and nose trying my best from breathing in the smoke which I assumed had to be poisoned.

It wasn't working.

The effects of the potion was quickly taking hold of me. I felt myself grow weaker and barely lose feeling in my legs.

Wait. Lose feeling?

A splash potion of poison doesn't do that.

"Hello Tubbo."

Hey guys! I've fallen down the hole called the Dream SMP and I can't help but let my mind create different scenarios that could possibly happen and so here I am making a fanfic:)

I hope you enjoyed and hopefully as the chapters progress my writing gets better.

Anywho, see ya in the next one!

Oh one more thing just to clarify. There will be NO SHIPPING. Just a crap tone of angst and brotherly fluff :)

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