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"Your a monster Tubbo. You're just like Schlatt."

"No Tommy I-I'm not. Please, let me explain."

"Explain what? Explain how you exiled me and left me alone with Dream to torment me? Explain how I almost killed myself because of what you did?"

"T-Tommy I-"

"You know what? That's it."

Next thing I know pain laced my stomach and I cried out. I looked down to see a sword sticking out of my stomach the person holding that sword...Tommy.

He slowly took the blade out. I screamed every second of it and fell to the floor grasping my wound.

Oh god. I-I'm gonna die.

I closed my eyes ready for death to take me.

Before I passed out I looked up at Tommy one more time and what I saw terrified me. He was smiling a strange glint in his eyes.

He crouched down in front of me.

"Oh Tubbo. I should have done that a long time ago. After all, the hero always kills the villain in the end."

I opened my eyes to the sight of cobblestone. Cold and lifeless cobblestone.

I turned to my left waiting to see Tommy there with me but all the was left of him was the faint imprint of his body in the mattress.

I sighed and slowly sat myself up. I felt so...weak. I still must be having symptoms of the experimental potion.

I looked around analyzing my surroundings. It was a small room with a wall of chests and some posters. One had Techno while the other...

I felt tears well up in my eyes.

It had the whole gang in there. Back when we had our rebellion and were fighting against Schlatt.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a knocking at the door.

"Techno I'm here like you asked. Open up!"

I froze. That's Dreams voice. Before I could do anything the door slammed open revealing a young man in a green hoodie and an all to familiar smiling mask.

I stared at him and he stared back.

"Well that's strange. What are you doing all the way over here Tubbo?"

I nervously shifted in the bed trying my best to think up a lie. If he found out that I left Lmanburg to visit Tommy he would no doubt be pissed off.

"I-um- I just happened to stumble upon this place while taking a walk and kinda passed out in this bed." I smiled hoping he'd buy it.

"Oh really?" He slowly walked towards me and I shook in fear.

I nodded "Um yea yea that's what happened Dream."

There was awkward silence and I stared down at my hands not sure what to do or say next.

"Look Dream-"

"You left to see Tommy." All color immediately drained from my face.

"N-no I didn't-"

"I know you did. Technoblade told me so. In fact he also told me that you know where Tommy is. Is that correct?"

Wait Techno told him I was here? He also told him that I knew where Tommy was? But Techno knows where Tommy is too so why wouldn't Techno just tell Dream? Techno is planing something.

I'll just play dumb.

"I'm sorry Dream but I don't know where he is. I did go to visit him but when I did," anger bubbled inside of me but I forced it down "all I saw was destruction. Do you know who could've ever possibly done that Dream?"

Dream only stared back at me as if in deep thought.

I threw the blankets off of me not waiting to hear Dreams response and stood up. I already knew who did it.

My legs felt sore and slightly numb, no doubt because of the fact I'd been bed ridden for the past day or two.

"I better get back to Lmanburg. No doubt people are starting to wonder where I am." I have to pretend that I'm going back. Once I make it out of Dreams sight I'll go searching for Tommy. I've got to warn him that Dream and Techno are working with each other. I've got to warn him that he isn't safe in this house anymore.

I walked over to the door but Dream swiftly went in front of me.

"Tubbo, I don't think you understand. I know that you know where Tommy is."

I ignored him again and shoved him out of the doors way just as I reached my hand out to the door I was shocked when he quickly grabbed my wrist.

Fear instantly griped my heart.

"Dream, let me go."

"I know Technoblade wouldn't lie to me about this. I mean why would he. So, Tubbo, you're going to tell me where he is."

I nervously bit my lip. What do I do now?

He didn't wait for me to respond and pulled me closer to him gripping my other wrist.

"Dream! I told you to let me go!"

I fought. I fought with every ounce of energy I had in me. But I was to weak.

"Look Tubbo I don't want to hurt you okay? You've been doing great at Lmanburg. You've been a great president. All I need from you is to tell me where Tommy is and I'll let you go."

I yanked even harder and next thing I knew Dream tightened his grip on my wrists and I cried out. I fell to my knees his hands still painfully gripping my wrists.

"P-please Dream. Just let me go."

He squatted down to my level his wrists still in his grasp.

"Only if you tell me where Tommy is."

"I don't know where he is. Techno lied to yo-agh!"

Dream tightened his grip on my wrists even harder and intently stared at me.

"Look Tubbo. Techno didn't lie to me." He paused for a second before continuing "How about this, I'll make the question a bit easier. Where was the last place you saw him hm?"

"The last I saw him was back when I exiled him."

Dream sighed as he looked down at the ground.

Please Dream. Please just believe me.

Next thing I knew my wrists were pulled behind me and the point of a sword was aimed at my neck.

I shook in fear as I stared up at Dream with wide eyes.

"Let's try this question. Lmanburg or Tommy?"
Ohhhhhh. What'd you think he'll choose???

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