Chapter 9

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5 years ago, a few months before World War I.

Thomas was in love with a girl, Greta, who had fallen ill, he stayed with her for 3 months. After her death, Thomas received a letter like Arthur and John to go to war. During his mourning period, Eleanor was at his side. A secret relationship had developed between them.

When she arrived in Polly's room, "Polly, I'm late..." Eleanor sits in the chair across from Polly. Polly asks herself "late?" while putting on make-up, but looking at her she quickly understands what she meant. "you should tell to Thomas" She looks at Polly with big eyes, "What? How do you know? "Polly takes her hand. "I know about everything, but it's more the walls, they betrayed you." El gets up. "Great, I guess everyone knows, if you know... I'll tell him Polly, but I dread..." Eleanor leaves the room, takes her coat and her bag, ready to break the news to the one she has been sharing her nights for weeks.

When she arrives at the boys' favourite place, they come here almost every day, it brings back memories they might forget when they will be in the middle of a war.

"Hey, who's here! You want to come and drink with us? "hands Arthur a drink to El.

She sits between Arthur and John.

"Come on, El! We always drink together." Tease John.

"I said no John, I can't do this anymore..." Arthur and John laugh, "That's rubbish, why can't you just drink a simple whiskey?" While they don't understand, El and Thomas look into each other's eyes. "because I'm pregnant, you idiots... " Thomas raises his eyebrows. John is shocked. Arthur's spiking his drink on the floor. " you know you're not going to keep it, don't you? " hears El in Thomas's mouth. "I'm sorry?" she replies.

"El, you can't keep this child! »

"Tommy! Can you fucking hear yourself? »

Arthur and John look at each other, amazed to know they had a relationship.

"Wait! You two? " asks John.

"Yes, both of us, John! "El is angry, gets up.

"I'm not going to abandon her or him, Thomas Shelby! »

"Oh, yes, El! He's a bastard! »

" goddamn it! "

"I know someone, he can come tomorrow already! »

"No! This man or woman will not touch me, let alone my child! You're the bastard, Tommy! "Eleanor, in anger at hearing Thomas' words, decides to leave.


"I'm sorry... if I'd known, I never would have asked you to do this El... I'm sorry... " Thomas never apologized for forcing her to have an abortion. What she hears makes her cry even more. She hears footsteps coming towards her room...

"Thomas! Thomas! You absolutely must come! "Finn opens the bedroom door followed by Michael and Isaiah. "Arthur and John are downstairs." Thomas looks at El to see if he can get away. He gets up. "Michael and Isaiah are going to stay with you, if you need anything, just ask them". Thomas kisses her on the hand and follows Finn. After a few minutes, she falls asleep from exhaustion from crying.

A few hours later, she is woken up by noises coming from downstairs. Michael and Isaiah are gone. Without hesitation, she tries to get up to see what's going on. In spite of the pain, she made it. She's up the stairs. She sees Ada coming out of her room...

"El! What are you doing? You're not supposed to be up! Go back to bed! »

"I want to know what's going on down there! »

"No, come back to bed, please! »

"Ada! Help me down! »

"El... »

"please, I want to know! "Ada hesitates for a moment. Then put El's arms around her neck and bring her down. As she comes down, she hears the noises closer and closer.

"Tell us who you're working for!!! " hits Arthur on the face of a man.

"Arthur?" she says, "what are you guys doing?"

John comes up to her and tries to take her. "You can't be here, El! You need to come back up! »

"No John ! Get off me ! Is he one of them ? "She asks Arthur, and he nods his head that it is. She approaches the man who is already badly wounded in the face. Look at him in the eye and then gives him a big fist in the face. Punches him in the face with all her might.

"El! El! Wake up! " She comes out, she sees Michael and Isaiah standing over her.

"Are you all right? You kept moving in your sleep..." says Michael.

"Yes...I think it's okay...I had a bad dream I think... »

"I think it'd be a good idea if we took you out for some fresh air, don't you? "Said Isaiah.

"Yeah, I think so, we'll help you down, we'll be with you, you won't be alone"

Michael doesn't hesitate to take her in his arms to get her down and get some fresh air.

The fresh air is good for her, after discovering that she was sick and that she would never have children, she can't find a way to live, she wonders why this is happening to her, maybe if she had never left Birmingham, all this wouldn't exist.

"What's she doing out here, guys?"

"Thomas! She had a bad dream, she wasn't well, we thought getting her out would do her good! "Michael replied.

"It's OK! Everyone inside, even you, El."

Everybody settle down in the living room. Thomas starts talking.

"So we know who went after El and...Grace...Campbell and...our father... »

"Your father? But why? I don't understand? "Says El.

"We don't know more yet, we're hoping to get the man you knocked out even more to talk." Thomas is silent." Is there something I want to ask you, El? »

"Yes, go ahead, what is it? »

"I've been informed that Grace has been putting money in your bank account, I'd like to know why she would do that? »

Eleanor gets up, walks around the room a little, approaches Michael and glances at him to say it's time.

"El? " asks Polly. She looks at her and then at the others.

"Well...I guess this is the time to tell you..."

"Tell us what?" Thomas asks.

"Grace...she put some money in my account...that I want to turn down and give it back to you Thomas...she gave it to me for..." Eleanor loses her words, doesn't know what to say, doesn't want to hurt them, doesn't want to see them fall apart. Michael sees that she's having trouble expressing herself, so he speaks up.

"She gave her money because she's sick, she has a brain tumor..." 

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