Chapter 5

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It's the morning,  Ada and Eleanor come back from the cemetery, they spent all night by James' grave, crying, talking, just the two of them like in the good old days. They go into the house, Polly's having breakfast.

" There you are! I was beginning to worry! " Polly takes them both in her arms, then touches Eleanor's face, looks into her beautiful blue eyes.

"And how are you? " Eleanor nods her head that she's okay even though she's empty inside.

"Do you know what day it is? »

Ada pushes Polly's arm, gets excited, steps back.

"It's your birthday! I can't believe I forgot."

"but no...stop it's not today ... " she looks at the calendar and indeed it was set for June 23rd.

"Oh yes, I had completely forgotten" when she tooks them in her arms.

"Come on ! Come on, get dressed ! It's your day ! We'll go shopping and then we'll celebrate at the Garrison Pub !!! »

"Thank you, Polly," as she kisses her on the cheek.


After their long day of shopping and getting dressed for the birthday party.

The doors of the Garrison open, everyone was there, all are the most important people for El. In this crowd, she imagines her brother making jokes to people with John, talking about boxing with Arthur, talking business with Thomas. She wishes he was there.

"El! Happy Birthday to you! You ready to celebrate? "said John, taking her in his arms. He gives her a drink, comes close to her ear, "You look beautiful" she smiles, "Thank you John" and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Esmee not far away, takes him by the arm as he blushes.

Arthur comes to take El by the hand to bring her to a table. She sits down and notices that Thomas and Grace are there as well as Ada and Freddie.

"Happy Birthday Eleanor, full of good things," she hears from Grace's mouth. She raises her glass as a sign of thanks. She is drawn to Grace's hand that Thomas is holding. She starts smiling and decides to throw a spade.

"She's not going to fly away your barmaid Tommy."

Serious Thomas is looking at El.

"What don't you say anything ? It's a new from you, you always have something to say."

He puts his cigarette on the floor, takes his glass of whiskey " You know El, I wanted to announce it at another time but I think it's time after all "

"Announce what?" Ask Ada by surprise.

"You see, the Kimber mission, it brought Grace and me even closer together. Even though we'd already been close for a few months. »

"You're a bastard Thomas Shelby," exclaimed Ada aloud. She didn't hesitate to look at El to see her reaction. Her gaze plunged into the whiskey, she doen't react. It took her a few seconds to finally say something as she got up from the table to get some fresh air.

"Great...happy for you...", she is desperately looking for the exit, she needs air to digest this news. Why is Thomas wasting his time with Grace, she's convinced that Grace isn't here in Birmingham by chance. Why Thomas refuses to believe her. She's approaching the exit when suddenly someone comes up to her.

"I know about you and John" always in her thoughts, she comes out of it confused.

"John didn't have to tell me, I immediately understood the way you hugged and smiled at each other! "She doesn't understand why Esmee is reacting this way, this story with John was a long time ago and since then nothing has happened. El takes Esmee's hands.

" was a long time ago...I don't love John the way you love him, believe me you don't have to be afraid of me, I don't want to take him away from you, he loves you very much! »

"You think? "said Esmee, tilting her head to the ground.

"I'm sure of it! " Esmee looks at her, takes her in her arms.

"Thank you! "El nods as if to tell her that it's nothing. Her head spins as Grace moves towards the exit. She wants to know who she really is and to find out why she is here, without hesitation she follows her.

"Grace! Grace! Wait! Where do you think you're going?" Grace turns around.

"I have to go get something I forgot at home," she says hesitantly. "But don't worry, I'll be right back, I don't want to miss the end of your birthday... ». El thinks Grace is weird.

"You seem to be in a hurry to just go and get something from home, I'm sure you're hiding something, you're not here by any chance are you? »

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Oh! Stop lying, Grace, I'm not Thomas! I know you're using him!

"No, you're wrong! I'm not using him anymore..."

"Ah, you were using him! Why Grace?! Why him? »

"I swear at first, I was using him but now, after staying with him, I realized I was falling in love with him little by little."

A voice interrupts them.

"So Eleanor was right about you!"  Thomas comes out of the shadows that have been hiding him since the conversation began. Grace didn't expect him to be there.


"Why?"  he said as he approached her.

"Detective Campbell..." Thomas can't believe it, takes a cigarette, thinks for a moment.

"Tommy, there's something you need to know..."

"What else do I need to know that's even worse than what you just told me, Grace! Huh?!!!! »

"Tommy... I'm pregnant! »

Eleanor's in shock.

"Guys!!!!!!!!!! Ada's having a baby !!! Her water broke !!! " shouts Freddie "Thomas we need your car !!!! »

Thomas without hesitation goes to get the car to take Ada to the hospital. Everybody runs around. Eleanor doesn't move, she doesn't feel well between Grace's announcement and Ada's baby coming. Her legs are so heavy that she can't feel them anymore and in a few seconds she faints.

"El! »

Hiiee, chapter 5 is up ! 

So what do you think ? why Eleanor faints ? 

Chapter 6 will be up soon byeeee xoxo

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