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For the most part, life continued as normal at Riverdale High.

The Bulldogs still had practise every night, the Vixens were led by Veronica and continued to cheer, the pussycats were still singing.

But beyond all of those things was a subtle darkness throughout the town. Everyone lived with differing opinions of what happened to the Topaz girl who died in the accident whilst everyone could agree on the fact that that redhead who died was very unfortunate.

Riverdale was never the same after their deaths, some people told stories of seeing their ghosts in helicopters, since they never got to go in one, but eventually, those rumours became myths.

The memory of the girls lived on in their friends, who now had families of their own. They'd tell the children tales of the who girls who died on the same day, but details were missed.

Overtime, more and more details would be missed, the stories becoming half-truths until eventually; lies.

But it didn't matter whether people remembered them or not, because eventually no one will be remembered. There will come a day when no one exists to remember anyone, and the Earth will be swallowed by the sun.

However, until that day, the legend of the two girls who were madly in love would roam around the town of Riverdale, randomly being brought up at the dinner table to make conversation.

It is a strange concept that in the end nothing that we do will matter, but whilst we're alive it does matters.

Maybe it won't be remembered that Toni took her dying girlfriend to see the northern lights in years to come, but while they were there... they truly had the time of their lives.


Author's Notes:

And we've reached the end.
I'd like to say thanks for the massive amount of support I've received on this story, it's so crazy that people come back time after time to read my work 🥺💗.
I will be taking a small break from posting whilst I work on my upcoming story which will probably be posted around a week after this one is (that could change, I'm writing this ahead of time so it may be a little sooner than I think right now, it may be a little later).
For the last time ever on this book, please vote and comment!! ❤️❤️

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