I got up breathing in and out in fear.

I began touching and patting myself from head to toe.. good lord i was alive

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Alex asked

"Ugh i had such a terrible nightmare" i shuddered

"Yeah i can tell, you kept breathing in and out like crazy" she responded

"I-i, im gonna go take a shower" i mumbled rubbing my head.

"Your old clothes that you left here are still in the wardrobe"

"Thanks, ill use your towel"

I got up, my head was hurting a little after all the drinking me and alex did yesterday, i don't remeber much.

I almost dropped on my way to the bathroom as i felt a tiny bit tipsy and with a terrible vision.

I checked my phone, david called me like 20 times.

"Ugh" i groaned.

Cassie had left me a text asking if i was okay.

I put my phone down so i could take a shower and atleast take a break from everything life was throwing me

I walked in the bathroom, and turned the shower on so the water could get hot.

I began undressing myself and examined my body behind the mirror.

I pouted as i pretended to model in my curves and curls.

But then a sudden wave hit me.
Mr. Raj was really dead!! Which made me frown.

"Okay D, stop thinking about it!" I whispered to myself

The showers were steamy already which made me dip my foot inside first to check the temperature.

As i did so i entered fully and let the water run down on me.

As water bounced off my skin i began humming a little tune.

Thinking of what was best for isaac and troy.
Did i have to get them away for a while?

Atleast until all this fiasco was over

But i didn't want to be away from them because i know how it feels having both your mother and father absent, and no matter how many people told you "they love you its just complicated" that repugnant feeling that you get in your stomach, or that small heart ache.. will never leave.

I ran my fingers through my curls and began scrubbing my skin with soap.

I started scrubbing harder at the memory of my mom leaving me for no reason and then after that she had another child.

My mom was a shit parent.
Sometimes i wished she was the one that left instead of my dad.

But one thing that was definatley not going to be repeated, was that i would be a good mother to my kids... and i would never in a thousand years abandon them no matter the circumstances, because in the end they are made off me, they are my creation and responsability.

Burden or not, its my beautiful chaos.

I turned the water off and took a deep breath in.



"You ready" tucci asked me as we both sat next to eachother in the jet.

"Am i ready??! The only thing im ready for is killing diamond" i replied.

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