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After keisha told David they were heading to new jearsy, i stared at the killer of my dad stood infront of me

He didnt know i was denzel's daughter which was a surpise.

Before keisha, jerome and Lia left we all sat down to eat even though i was already full.

"So Diamond, when do we get to meet your parents?" Jerome asked me.

"My moms suffering from a brain tumor, amd my dad is no longer alive, i thought you knew?" I replied

David gently kicked me under the table and cleared his throat.

"Why cant yall let lia stay here?" David said.

"Is you crazy? Leave my daughter here with someone as irresponsible as you" jerome chuckled.

However David kept a straight face on

"Im being serious, and your acting as if you arent any more irresponsible than i am" he said.

Ugh. Here we go, another argument.

"Actually ill have elijah stay here with you" Jerome said

"Jerome, davids not a child anymore, i dont think he needs one of your toughest security guard looking out for him" keisha said.

"Your not going to tell me what to do with my own child" jerome said to her.

That kept keisha shut, i could tell so much about this family in one look

The dad was dominating and the mom held her opinions to herself, the only reason why shes still with him is probably because she fears him.

"Oh so now you want to claim me as your child?" David said

"David, just leave it here im not leaving lia here especially when you be drinking and shit" keisha said.

"Keisha, stay the fuck out of this" david replied.

"I think it would be a great idea for lia to stay" i mumbled "i could take care of her" i continued.

Jerome let go of his fork and raised his eyebrow.

"Hell No. Sorry but your not part of this family conversation so please dont get involved" keisha stated

"Dont talk to her like that. Because your not part of the family either keisha" david said

"Alright thats enough" jerome said slamming his hands on the table "Lia is coming new jersey with us. And keisha shut the hell up"

After that horrible experience i wanted to go home. What a great birthday!

"Bye DD! Bye pretty lady" lia yelled from the car window

Me and david both waved goodbye from outside and entered the house.

"Okay can i go now. Alex is probably waiting for mè" i said to him

"Why would she be waiting?" He asked.

"So we can go to the club" i smirked as i tried to trigger him

"You aint going to no club" he said

"Who are you to stop me?" I asked him

"Get your ass up here, your presents upstairs" he said as he took his first step up the stairs

I followed him, he covered my eyes with his hands and stood behind me.

I felt safe in his hands, i just wanted to stay there all day, i felt the warmth of his body against mine as he gently guided me to one of his rooms

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