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Davids p.o.v

After the incident that had happend with Jericho i finally got home

As soon as i opened the door i saw Cassie sat down all comfortable in my chair drinking my bottle of gin

"How did you get in here" i asked her

"By knocking.. durh" she replied.

I grabbed a glass cup

"Well atleast today was a success" she said

Before giving banks baxter in cassie had to agree into doing things my way.

I was already on my way to atlanta so i could speak to June as one of my leads to banks baxter until Alex called me and all of that happend, i had a tracker placed on Diamonds phone the day it was her birthday which is why it was so easy to find their location

I called cassie for backup and asked if she could let rashad and jericho go so they could spread the word to Jerome.

And plus rashad was just a punk kid who was only doing what his dad was telling him to do to please him and show how worth he is to be the next heir of Black vipers.

Which reminded me of something, jericho mentioned earlier there are two different divided black vipers that must mean their also rivals carrying the same name.

No wonder their divided by eastern and western coasts.

This gave me an idea

"Cassie would you be illing to help me contact the western black viper mafia" i asked her.

"Sure" she said

All of a sudden she grabbed my arm and took me to the kitchen, she turned the tap on and water began running

"Becareful with what you say, i might be helping you but the police here are working for the federal government, they listen to my orders but their also here to make sure im not siding with you" she whispered

"Wait so your not really working with them?" I asked her.

"The federal goverment is the only reason why my uncle who ive only ever known as a father is dead!! And plus i went to high school with you and June! If something does happen i need them to trust me so i can bust yo guys out" she said.

A heavy weight lifted from my chest, i was glad to hear she was on our side

"I owe you one cass" i told her

"Dont mention any other gangs around them, as much as their spying on you the T.E.A are spying on me too"

"T.E.A?" I asked

"Police force dumbass" she giggled.
She quickly turned the tap off and we went to sit back down

"Im going to go back to the office and see if i can find any leads of them" she calmly stated

I nodded and she left with two police officers leaving three behind.

I always knew baltimore had top prison security, everything was digital and exetremly secured, i oce heard that when they are put into solitary they are beaten to death!
That prison was only a place for narco traffickants, drug users, or such thing as commiting a mass murder or mass burglary.

Banks baxter is a OG for being able to escape.


cassie came in with files of papers.
It was so easy for them to find people yet they didnt arrest any of us?

"I dont know were they are, there is no trails." She said after dismissing her partners
"So what are all of these papers?" I asked her

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