What is this, Mate day?

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I had long finished the dance with my nephew, as he continue to question me about the war ahead of us. It was hard to answer his questions without revealing too much about the future or lying to him. I guess I was out of practice with it came to twist the truth when I spoke to members of my family. Which was a shame since now I found myself dancing with my cousin who still wore his ridiculous masquerade mask.

"You were never one for jokes So I don't understand why you'd choose to wear the mask of a court jester." I could feel his smirk from behind the mask.

"Oh dear cousin, don't you know the joker was known for more than jokes." There's was an underlying threat in his wards. Shit.

"Then are you here to play tricks."

"I would love to but sadly I'm here as my mother's spy and messenger. The Queen is missing and not even I can find her. The Royal court is in uproar at her absence."

"Whatever shall the court do without their insane Queen." Jacques looked me in the eyes as he took off the mask on his face. His beauty was just as bright as the cousin who stood in front of him.

"Kie? You don't seem worried at all, I thought you would at least show some concern seeing as the last time your mother disappeared she came after you. I do believe you lost your son. I think his name was Darian, wasn't it?" The moment my Darian's name left his mouth I snapped his wrist. Ques barely flinch when I did it like he was expecting that reaction from me.

"Ques I'd advise you not to speak to me about my departed son when it was you who would not help me save him."

"You know...that I was ordered not to get involved Kie." He grunted outs as I put pressure on his wrist.

"Right, because you can't even piss unless your mother tells you too, you're so powerful more powerful than that snake you listen to but still your nothing more than a slave. If only you had a reason to break free." A vision quickly slipped past before my eyes and with a wicked smile, I snapped his wrist back into place as I heal it to perfection right as I turn from my cousin. "Too bad for you I don't speak to lapdogs if you have any more questions for me please speak to the grand Witch in charge of communications."
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"Who?" Jacques asked as his cousin walked away from him.

"That would be me." The royal witch turned on his heels and was met, face to face, with the most handsome witch he had ever seen. They both stared at each other for a moment before Altear cleared his throat and held out his hand towards the royal in front of him. " I am a Grand Witch of Blackcastle, Altear Saintwrath, Lord of shadows." Jacques took his hand in his and instead of shaking it, he held it up to his lips. Kissing it in front of everyone.

"Jacques Silvarose, Conquerer of Elements at your service Lord Altear." Altear rolled his eyes at the handsome man before even as a blush appeared on his face he still tugged his hand out of the man's grasp.

"I would rather you not do that, now is there a message you want me to direct towards Prince Kie." Altear had a look of boredom on his face. but on the inside, he was melting away from the intoxicating energy that poured off of the mystic's body. He knew that this was a side effect of having a connection to the man in front of him. He also knew from being around Kie that Jacques was releasing his powerful aura on purpose, it was probably the reason that most of the people around them were avoiding them, and that pissed Altear off. After being forced to do evil acts against his fellow mystics he hates to see people abuse their power in such a way. Altear quickly released his power canceling out Jacques's effect on the air around them. "If you don't have a message for the Supreme of Blackcastle then please excuse me I have a brother to avoid." Altear quickly stepped around the mystic in front of him as he placed his mask back on his face. for a second Jacques was merely stunned by the power that canceled his, but in a flash, he gently grabbed Altear's wrist.

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