Not the same

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In no time Kie had teleported himself to the roof above the west wing of Blackcastle . He looked to every direction but the only thing he could see where the four Titans standing around the the castle, but that's when he realized that there was a shadow around Blackcastle's and when he looked up to see what was blocking the sun all he see was the bottom of a castle.

Every student in the school could feel Kie's rage boil to the surface. He was piss at what blue rose was attempting to do. They where using their own castle as a battling ram of the barrier wasn't strong enough then everyone within Blackcastle would have been killed. In the blink of a eyes Kie's power shot from his hands towards the castle but bluerose was faster as the castle teleported away and appear outside of the range of the barrier. But Kie wasn't done he redirected the beam of crystal light straight towards the castle  but when it moved again one of Kie's eyes turned into a silver cat slit. Kie swiped his hand across the sending two blades of energy and this time when the castle teleported in moved itself right into one of Kie's blades. Slicing off one of the buildings roofs.

Even though Kie had finally got a hit in on the building it wasn't enough for him and in a split second he was taking off towards Bluerose at full speed. Although before he could exist the barrier he was caught by both Nick and Shanell.

"Kie stop, you've came way to far to just go over there, guns blazing, and kill them." Shanell stop as she and Nick pushed him back.

"Not going to kill them, but I'm going to beat them so bad that they wish they where dead. Plus now that the building has teleported so many times it's going to be hard for it to do it again with out the help of witches so I'm going to go over there and beat the shit out of them." With a swift motion from Kie, Nick and Shanell was thrown back as the witch launched himself through the barrier. Nick was about to follow him before Shanell grabbed him pulling him back.

"Nick we need you to put everything in it place."

"Kie's going over there alone, I'm not just going to sit here while they gang up on him!" The sound of a a slap went up in the air. Nick looked at the girl with pure shock on his face.

"Get your head in the fucking game Fae. Kie's not stupid enough to go charging over there if he didn't know he could handle whatever they throw at him. So stop doubting your mate and get your ass in line bitch we have mystics to protect and you of all people need the most time to gather your full power." For a second Nick just stared at her stunned by Shanell's outburst. She was the most level headed of them all he had never even heard her raise her voice, but then he really looked at her. There where tears in her eyes and he fist was clenching and unclenching the girl was basically shaking with rage.

"I'm sorry I just get so worked up over him and I don't think, I just go right into over protective mode."

"If you stray from the plan you won't have the power to defeat Bluerose's Fae, and if you lose to them you'll put every one of the mystics in that building in danger. Goddess, Nick your not the only one with a mate to protect."

"S..Shanell.. I didn't."

"Your one of the lucky ones Nick you and Kie are both incredible power, the rest of us don't have mates that can fight at our level. So please we need you to trust your mate and fight your opponent not his." Nick stood there silence as he opened his mouth to apologize but before he could speak the sound of a war horn went up in the air. " Nick leave." Shanell pushed the Fae away from her as she faced the an Angel with 8 wings. Nick was staring between them this angel before them had 8 wings while Shanell only had 6. " Nick! Go now!" Nick didn't take his time flying away he would make the mistake of doubting her abilities right in front of the enemy, but that didn't stop him from thinking how would Shanell fair in a fight against another archangel?

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