chapter fourteen

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My sobs continue as Harry leads me to my room, holding me close to his chest. When we get to the room he sits me down on the bed and leans over, kissing me on the cheek.

"Everything's going to be alright, I promise," He says, then kneels on the ground and begins to pack, basically just throwing my stuff in the suitcase. I kneel next to him to help, and laugh through my tears as I realize something.

"How come every time you see me I'm crying?" I wonder, trying to sound lighthearted. I know he doesn't buy it, though. "I normally don't cry this much," I tell him and he nods.

"Yeah, you don't strike me as a crybaby," He shrugs. As he says this I realize we don't know anything about each other, absolutely nothing. All I know is he's in the army and all he knows is my full name. Other than that, we haven't gotten to know each other at all. What am I doing? Destroying my relationship with my parents for him? He probably is just using me for sex. I run my fingers through my hair, frusterated with myself. Oh well, what's done is done. There's nothing I can do about it now. I grab my laptop and charger from the bed, tucking them in the top of my suitcase.

"You ready?" Harry asks, zipping it up. I nod, pulling the door open. As I walk past my parents room I hear my mom's voice.

"I don't understand why this is such a big deal. She obviously doesn't like Brandon and if she doesn't like Brandon why should we make her date Brandon?"

"So we're just supposed to let this go? He has tattoos, Kelly," My dad argues.

"No, we're not supposed to let it go, but I don't think you should kick her out. It's unfair. She's our daughter," I can hear her tone rising, but I know she'll keep her cool.

"I think we should just go. Your mother can handle this." Harry states and I nod, ready to leave my own home for what hopefully isn't the last time. I grab Harry's hand tight as we walk past Brandon in the living room, sitting comfortably with his hands folded behind his head. Even I feel like punching him right now. How is he so comfortable with what just happened? How is he even this comfortable in my own home? Harry obviously wants to start something, but I pray neither of them say anything. I guess my prayers are answered because we walk out the front door without a word being spoken.

When I step out of the door, the darkness surprises me. The sun's already setting, and although I'm about to drop from how tired I am, I expect it to be a little lighter outside. Harry clicks a button on his keys to unlock his car, which is parked sloppily in front of the house, obviously from being in a hurry earlier.

Harry lifts my suitcase into the back as I climb in the car. He gets in the driver's side and turns the keys in the ignition. He grabs the wheel with one hand and my hand with the other.

"What a fun night," He says sarcastically and rolls his eyes.

"My family's crazy," I say, closing my eyes and resting my head against the seat. My family is crazy. If they weren't so crazy this night would've been a happy occasion, a celebration of a new romance. My family has never been normal, but rnothing about my life is normal right now. I don't understand why having the one that I love and want comes with such a price. Why can't we just be a normal couple that goes on a couple dates, tells each other they love each other, moves in together, then the guy proposes and they get married and have kids. I realize that I had that, with Brandon, and I was bored out of my mind. I couldn't stand one more day with Brandon. I hate normal, I never want to be normal. I'd rather be in this crazy relationship than be bored with my relationship. I was bored with Brandon because I just didn't love him enough for it to be passionate enough. Maybe Harry and I love each other too much, but that's absolutely better than not loving someone enough. I would have my heart broken by Harry a million times in a row before going back to Brandon.

heroOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora