chapter nine

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I woke up and immediately felt a pain in my cheek and eye. I tried to remember what happened, and I put together bits and pieces until I halfway understood. Brandon and I were fighting about something and then he punched me? Wait, that doesn't make sense. Brandon would never hurt me. All I remember is crying about something and Brandon's fist connecting with my face. 

I attempt to open my eyes, but my eyelids feel heavy and droopy. I get them halfway open and hear a voice saying, "She's awake."


The missing piece in my mind fits and the story fits together. I remember now. We were fighting about Harry, no, not even fighting, I was kicked out of my own apartment. I begin to feel remorse again for kissing Harry, but it passes into fear about what's going to happen next. I just don't know what to do right now. Maybe if I just never open my eyes I don't have to face what's coming, but I know I need to. I need to face the truth of  what just happened. Brandon and I just broke up. Brandon, the only steady thing in my life. The only thing in my life my parents approved of. The man that I loved, at least at some point in my life. Brandon, my fiancee, my ex fiancee that can't even look at me anymore. Brandon, the-

I open my eyes to distract myself from my thoughts and see Harry, sitting in an easy chair, with Brandon awkwardly sitting in a chair beside him. I'm lying on my couch, on Brandon's couch now, and the room is silent. It's not filled with uncomfortable chit chat Brandon or Harry would try to make in a situation like this, or even the quiet chattering of the TV. The room is completely and utterly silent. Harry smiles at me when I scan over him first. My eyes meet his and I try to hold back a smile, for Brandon's sake. Brandon's sitting upright, his hands gripping the sides of his chair, his eyes intense with a burn I've never seen them have before. He looks angry, apologetic, uncomfortable, and hating all at the same time. When I look over him his eyes flick away from mine, and I can't tell whether it's from hatred or pain. I wish it was neither. 

I don't know what to say, so my hand goes up to my face to feel my injuries. When I touch my eye the pain intensifies by 100, and I wince. My cheek is even worse, and it sends a shiver down my spine when I try to feel the swell.

"I'll go get you an ice pack," Harry breaks the silence, his voice not faltering or sounding nervous. He stands from his chair and smirks at me before he leaves the room. I turn to Brandon. He quickly looks up at the ceiling, away from me.

"Brandon..." I trail off, not knowing what to say. My eyes fill with tears at his pain, and I almost have to look away from the hurt expression on his face.

"You-" His voice catches, "You never looked at me that way," he says in a quiet voice, keeping his eyes on the ceiling. "How is it that you've known me and dated me for eight years, and this guy, this random guy you don't even know walks up to you in a bar and you're all over him? That's just complete bullshit. I just don't get it, I thought all you ever wanted was to get engaged to me, to be married to me. I've known you for so long, I know you, Ari, Harry doesn't know you. He'll be done with you after a week or two, and I'm serious. You're just another girl. He's interested now because you were playing hard to get, but he's not the type of guy you want. He'll ditch you, I'm sure of it, and then you'll run back to me but I don't know if I can move on from this. You cheated on me, Ari. It's not something I can get over in a week or two." His words frustrate me. He doesn't see that this isn't just some random guy I'm cheating with. I love Harry.

"Well, you don't need to get over it in a week or two because in a week or two I'll still be with Harry." I snap back, immediately realizing how hurtful and insensitive my words must sound. "I didn't mean that, I just... okay, you probably don't want to hear this right now, but I just need to let you know that Harry isn't just some guy, Brandon. He made me realize so many things about my life right now,  and I love him. I know that hurts but I really do love him. I didn't cheat on you just for the sake of cheating, I really love Harry and I need to be with him. I'm not going to go into detail, but please just know that, okay?" I finish my speech as Harry walks in from the kitchen and Brandon becomes silent again, his lips pressed tightly in a straight line.

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