Chapter 13

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We're all crowded at the back door, watching flakes of pure white snow fall onto the porch and gray grass. Blue and Dream are very interested; they keep peering around us taller ones to get a good look at the winter wonderland outside the door. I smile at them and unlock the door.

"Wanna better look?" They nod eagerly, but before they can say anything, Classic raises a hand lazily behind us. We all look back at him.

"I would," he starts shrugging, "but I think I'm stuck to the couch. Go on without me."

"It was pointless to interrupt," I say. "And a mistake. You're coming with us."

Before he can protest, I stride over to him and pick him up, bridal style. To my surprise, he doesn't try to scramble back to the couch. He just closes his eyesockets again and goes limp. I cast an amused look at Hip-Hop, who smirks and slides open the back door. Everyone floods out, including him, but Red stays behind. He waits next to the door, and offers to carry Classic so I can "go have fun or whatever". I fight a grin and hand over said lazy skeleton.

"The perfect couple," I mutter jokingly to Hip-Hop as we stand on the porch, watching Red somehow shut the door with his foot. "I'll never let him forget this."

"There's one admirer to stratch of your list," Hip-Hop elbows me in the gut. I blush and shove him back.

"Be quiet."

"Y/N! THERE YOU ARE!" Blue stops our teasing spat by tugging on my jacket sleeve. "WILL YOU BUILD A SNOWMAN WITH ME, DREAM AND INK?" I shrug and let him pull me off the porch towards Dream and Ink. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Hip-Hop slip back inside.

"I've never built a snowman before," Dream tells me as Ink begins a lecture on how to perfectly shape the body and how we can add details to the snow. "Can you show me how?"

"Uh, sure." I drop to my knees and start gathering snow. Dream does the same. I show him how to mold the snow into a sphere and wedge it into the ground. I only make the base small because I don't want to use up too much space. I'm guessing that Blue is going to use every inch of my yard to make snowmen.

"You're very good at this," Dream marvels when I finish my foot tall snowman. "Have you been practicing?"

"Since I was a kid," I smile. "How about you go help the other two? I'm gonna go make cocoa for when you guys are done." Dream nods and skips off towards Ink and Blue, but it's clumsy since the snow is so high.

Back inside, Classic has repositioned himself and the couch and is scrolling through my Netflix, Hip-Hop is watching him, absentmindedly, and Red is nowhere to be seen.

Finally, some quiet time, I think to myself, shuffling into the kitchen. Just what I need. Luckily for me, I bought a large container of cocoa last time I was at the store. It made 32 servings. Okay, 32 divided by 7 is 4 if I round, so the limit of cups today Purely because I can't have Blue acting up during a sugar rush again. Last time...last time was chaos.

I start humming obliviously as I heat up the frothy white milk, tapping my fingers on the marble counter. It's pure white, just like the milk. As I stare down at the countertop, words start to swirl in front of my eyes. Words that mean nothing to me. Yellow, red, green, purple, aqua. I look around my dull gray kitchen. It must look so different to everyone else. Then I think of what everyone looks like. Hip-Hop, with his constantly untied tennis shoes. Blue's giant stars in his eyes that appear when he's happy. Dream's graceful, elegant cape. Red's tooth and large jacket. Classic's slippers and bottles of ketchup. And Ink. I sigh and rest my chin in my hands. I heard Ink talking enthusiastically about something he was working on. A painting, maybe. I don't know. The word colorful popped up so many times. He makes it sound magnificent, like the thing he loves more than anything else.

Unnecessary worry after unnecessary worry seeps into my brain. What if he shows me something and I ask what color it is? What do I do if I'm tired and blurt that I don't know what yellow looks like? I don't realize my breathing is growing faster and louder until Classic notifies me.

"Hey, kiddo. C'mere, talk to me."

"I can't," I say, looking desperately behind me at the pot of now cold milk on the stove. I turned the burner off while I was panicking. "I promised to make cocoa."

"Don't worry about all that. Just come rant to me. You seem stressed." I reluctantly obey and sit next to him in the living room. Classic looks at me, almost like he knows what I'm thinking.

"Well," I begin hesitantly. "I've been thinking things over lately. I have something I've never told anyone about before, it kinda haunts me. I want to tell you guys, but we've grown so close that I don't want it to change how you view me." Classic nods understandingly the whole time. I start to warm up.

"You're all my best friends, and you treat me like there's nothing wrong with me, like I'm perfectly normal. And I want to be. I just...I can't work up the courage to tell anybody. I'm still afraid everyone turning their backs on me."

Classic is quiet for a while, then turns to look at me again. "If we're really your best friends, why would we change our views of you over one little problem? That's fake friendship. Kid, I don't know you're goin' through, but stop being scared. No one judges in this group. The worst thing that'll happen if you tell is that Blue will freak and probably break something."

I laugh, but quickly quiet down. "Okay. Can I, uh, practice on you just to...get ready, I guess? It's like a spoiler, so we'll both be ready when I let it spill." Classic nods, so I take a deep breath and lower my voice.

"I have an insanely rare condition called monochromacy. It's a form of being colorblind, but I can only see the world in black, white, and gray." I flinch back at look at Classic nervously. His expression is stone.

But slowly, very slowly, his face starts to contort into his usual grin, even wider. "Y/N, are you serious? That's all you're afraid of? Kid, I thought you were gonna say you have cancer or something!" We both laugh. "No one's going to be traumatized, Y/N. Just suck up your bravery and you'll be fine."

"Thanks, man." I fist bump Classic. "It's good to get that off my chest. I'll do it tomorrow!"

Once I'm back in the kitchen reheating the milk, I hear Classic call back to me. "Go get 'em, kiddo." I smile. Yeah...they won't know what's coming to them.

In a good way, of course. And that's not sarcasm.

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