"I'm so glad you agree to meet up Lil, I've missed you"

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"I'm so glad you agree to meet up Lil, I've missed you"

I hug him back and when he pulls away we sat down and a waiter comes over to us, we both order a drink and the waiter leaves

"The reason why I agree to see you Jase is not just to tell you I found out about Xavier, but to tell you face to face that I still love him and I want to be with him. I took a big risk coming here if he knew...."

Jason grabs my hand in his and intertwines our fingers

"Well you can't blame me for thinking you would leave him after you found out, but I haven't lost hope"

I pulled my hand away from his

"I'm sorry Jase but I still only see you as a friend and I want us to stay as friends even tho....."

He interrupts me

"Even tho your in love with a mafia leader and I'm a jealous friend who is still in love with you"

I look down at my hands and I hear Jason sigh

"Lilly there is something I must tell you and you aren't gonna like it, it might make you hate me for it"

I look at him confused but then I see the sadness in his eyes

"Lil your kidnapping, I was involved I organised it, I wanted you to fear Xavier and leave him and come back to me"

I'm in shock as I have flashbacks of the kidnapping and my hand goes to my thigh where my scars are

"you probably hate me now, I know my reasons were stupid but I just want to be back in your life Lilly"

Tears escape my eyes and I quickly wipe them away as I look at him

"I'm sorry Jase, I should have believed you and I forgive you, I know you were only trying to protect me"

He grabs my hand again

"It's okay Lil and I'm glad your not mad, but then lucky Xavier doesn't know or I'll be dead"

I stand up and look at Jason, he looks up at me

"I better go home before Xavier get back and finds out I've gone out without telling him"

Jason nods and stands up

"let me walk out you"

I nod after we paid for our drinks Jason walks me outside, he pulls me into his arms again and hugs me

"Promise me, we will catch up again soon, even if it's only for a few seconds?"

I hug him back and nod

"I promise, but you must promise me you will stop trying to get me to leave Xavier"

He pulls me closer

"I promise Lil, just don't forget about me"

I cuddle into him

"I will never forget about you Jase"

After we say our goodbyes, I walk towards the car and get in and drive home, once I'm home I walk upstairs and walked into our bedroom to see Xavier sitting at the edge of the bed

"you went to him, didn't you?"


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Btw I've changed the pics of my characters



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