Chapter ELEVEN

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Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

After Stephano exited the bedroom, and headed downstairs. Violet got out her hiding space and walked to open the window. Once she did, Violet got out of the room and began her perilous—a word here which means "very dangerous"—climb down the trellis.

 Once she did, Violet got out of the room and began her perilous—a word here which means "very dangerous"—climb down the trellis

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But I'm sorry to say that the trellis wasn't strong enough, and the step Violet was gripping, broke off. She shrieked, and her other hand slipped off the other step, and she fell down to the ground. But, she didn't hit the ground. Instead, someone caught her. She turned to see Smoke. Behind him stood Mr. Poe's secretary.

"Smoke," Violet said, shocked, "what are you doing here."

"Hello, Violet," Smoke said. "We're here to help you and your siblings."

"When we heard that Gustav had resigned working for Monty, we were skeptical about the news," said Mr. Poe's secretary. "We discovered him dead, and realized you and your siblings weren't safe."

"Sadly, we didn't arrive on time," said Smoke, and put Violet down. "But if we get ahold of that evidence, Olaf will finally be brought to justice."

"His suitcase should be in the car," Violet said. "I invented a lock pick."

"Your father would be proud of you," said Smoke.

"If he were here," Violet sighed, and led the two mysterious characters over to the jeep owned by Uncle Monty.

She opened the trunk, and pulled out the suitcase with the lock on it. She stuck the two lock picks into the keyhole, and began fiddling with them. But sadly, she couldn't seem to unlock the lock.

"Let me try," said Smoke. "I learned some pretty advanced skills in lock-picking school."

Violet stepped out of the way, and watched Smoke fiddle with the lock pick himself. Finally after a few minutes, he stepped out of the way for Violet to see. The lock picks were broken. But the lock was unlocked.

"Excellent job," Violet said. "Now lets see what's inside."

She opened the suitcase, and looked at all the unpleasant items inside.

"With all of these items," said Smoke. "We can finally send Olaf to jail."

J. Smoke - The Reptile RoomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora