Part 9 ★彡

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This is gonna be a long day.


"See keiji I told you he would stay this time"
Akaashi's mother said with a joyous smile.

Akaashi groaned as he handed his mother a 20$ bill.

Did they bet on me? Kenma's mind speculated.

"Anyways let's dig in before the food gets cold!"

"So Kenma do you have a girlfriend?"

Straight to the point as always. Kenma's mind grumbled.

"I'm not interested in that sort of thing." Kenma managed to mumble out

"That's to bad, my keiji has been talking to someone for a while now, he's always smiling down at his phone like a teenage girl. You know I wouldn't mind a grandchild named after me-"

"It's not like that mom!" Akaashi yelled out embarrassed.

"That's what everyone says in the start, I've even been tempted to grab his phone and speed up the process for him." His mother said now leaning her head on her hand.

Akaashi looked away a little flustered.

"Don't worry Ms. Akaashi I'm sure anyone would want to marry Akaashi the second they meet." Kenma said as he decided to join in on the teasing.


Wow I've never seen Akaashi this flustered, does this mean he's actually talking to someone? Not my place to meddle though.

"But Kenma dear wasn't keiji just helping you flirt with someone right now?"

Kenma flinched

"I'm a little hurt, you know Akaashi can't even talk to stranger let alone flirt with them so why didn't you ask me?" She continued.

"Poor keiji was having a heart attack."

Kenma turned in the direction of Akaashi, Akaashi mouthed the word "sorry" with a sorrow expression on his face. 

Kenma sighed, he had lost count on how many times he had sighed today. The count was 23 upon entering Akaashi's home.

"It's not like that, it was just a perv bothering me.." Kenma said quietly.

"I see, playing hard to get. Don't worry when I'm finished with you guys your both gonna be all over eachother.~" Akaashi's mom said a little too happy.

"Just like the old days with your father keiji." She said with a sweet voice.

There was a momentary pause until Akaashi's mother stood up with a determined look, "I'll help you two get with them even if it's the last thing I do!"
Akaashi smiles softly at his mother, it had been a while since he saw her this determined.

"Don't jinx it mother." He said

"Don't worry keiji I'll get you with some one before I die! Now pass me your cellphone."


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