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I broke things off with cho :/(Tagged- no one)

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I broke things off with cho :/
(Tagged- no one)

Chochang- your loss
Rweasley- explanation?
Gweasley- there isn't one except I was a complete asshole to all of you. And I regret it terribly. I'm so sorry
Harrypotter- this isnt our apology to accept is it
Hgranger- ^nope it's lunas
Lovegood- you hurt me so bad do you understand that
Gweasley-^ yes I do


This is what you did to me (Tagged- Gweasley)

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This is what you did to me
(Tagged- Gweasley)

Gweasley- Luna im so sorry
Harrypotter- I miss the old Luna. The one where she would put flower crowns in Draco's hair, and braid Hermiones with different colored herbs.
Hgranger- you really messed her up
Gweasley- Luna please open your DMs
Lovegood-^ fine


Gweasley wants to dm you

Nothing I can say will make up
For all the stupid shit I did but
I really want you to know that I
Never intended to hurt you. I never
Lied about loving you cause I
Really did. You were the love of
My life but I was stupid enough
To fuck it up. Cho was a mistake
That I made too many times.
She was never what you were.
She didn't love me like you did.
I'm so fucking sorry. :(

You messed up my whole life for
So long. I could barely function
Because of you. Do you understand
That. I miss the girl who was never
Afraid to show anyone who I was
Or what I was like. What happened
To her. What did cho have that
I didn't.

Nothing. Nothing at all.
I was going through a rough
Patch and I didn't want my
Problems to reflet onto you
So I reached out to cho and
She changed my thought
Process for everything.
She told me that I didn't
Deserve you and that I should
Just let you be happy with someone
Else. So that's what I did.
It's all I've ever wanted was
For your happiness.

Come to my dorm we need
To talk in person
Read 12:45pm


I really do love you(Tagged- lovegood)

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I really do love you
(Tagged- lovegood)

Harrypotter- so is this an apology accepted
Lovegood-^ yes it is. I love you gin
Gweasley- I love you so much I'm forever sorry
Dmalfoy- fuck up again weaslette and I will not hesitate to sick pansy on you
Pansycake- will always be ready to pounce
Hgranger- pansy shut up
Rweasley- im happy for you two again
Plantnerd- break her heart again and you will never hear the end of it

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