5.the AM

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The moonlight shone through Marvin and Whizzer's curtain, dimly lighting up their small room. The window was half-open, so that the gentle wind would rock the curtains every once in a while.

Whizzer couldn't sleep that night. He looked at the clock on his bedstand. The green numbers showed that it was 3:28 in the morning. He sighed and got up from the bed, quietly heading towards the kitchen.

The light stung his eyes once he turned it on, but he adjusted to it quickly. When he did, he got his favorite cup off the shelf and poured some milk into it. He figured it would help him finally go to sleep. With that thought, he put it in the microwave, letting his mind wander off. He didn't realize until the microwave started beeping violently. Whizzer cursed under his breath as he silenced it, waiting for Marvin to show up any moment now.

"What the hell are you doing out of bed?"

That confirmed his expectations. "I couldn't sleep."

"You could have at least turned it off at the right moment."

"Well, I'm sorry!"

"Calm down. Go get your milk."

With that Marvin turned around and entered the bedroom. Whizzer took his cup and followed him. They both sat down on the bed, and Marvin took out a book. "I'm going to read to you, hopefully that will do the job."

Whizzer didn't answer, he just put his head on Marvin's shoulder as he opened the book and began to read. A few minutes in, Whizzer said, "Marvin?"


"That book is boring."

"That's... Kind of the point."


Marvin continued, with Whizzer looking at the pages. He closed his eyes, listening to the sound of his voice. At some point, he might have even fallen asleep. But then he was awoken by a loud bang! sound. Marvin stopped reading, too. "Was that a gunshot?" An identical sound followed, then another one. And another. Whizzer raced to the window.

"No, some kids across the street have fireworks..." he opened the window. "Silence those blasted objects!!" he yelled.

"You sound like an old man."

Whizzer turned around to face Marvin. "You try to get them to shut up, then."

Marvin got up from the bed and headed for the window, hesitating. "Nah, I can't do it."

"It's just a bunch of teens, Marv!"

"God, I hate it when you're right." He stuck his head out of the window. "Go home!" he shouted.


He turned his head to the right. "Charlotte?"

Whizzer looked out of the window, too. "Hi!"

"What are you two doing up so late?"

"Can't you guess?"

"I... Hey, I think they're gone."

"You're right! Okay, goodnight."


Whizzer and Marvin went back inside. Marvin sighed. "I assume you're not any sleepier now."

"Can you read that book again? It actually managed to make me tired the last time."

"Really?" Marvin asked, surprised. "Okay."

They both got back into bed, into the same position as before. Marvin continued from where he left off, with Whizzer quietly following the words. He read for about half an hour, then he put his bookmark in place and closed the book. "Whizzer?" he asked quietly. There was no response. Marvin looked at him, only to find that he was finally asleep. He smiled to himself and closed his eyes.

A/N i kinda enjoyed writing that

This is completely off topic but i don't have a 5sos fanfic *yet* so

Happy Birthday to the one and only Ashton Irwin can't believe he's 26 already

Also please tell me what is the average time to read a book with an average of 320 pages (not... Pieces of paper, sides of it) with an average of 230 words per page? thanks

have a nice day

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