2. Whizzer learns to cook

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"Remind me again why are we here?" Whizzer asked Cordelia while walking into their cooking class.

"So you can learn to cook something other than cereal. And so you and Marvin won't have to order that weird stuff every evening."

"Hey! I can make toast."

"Does that make any difference?"

"Fair enough."

"Welcome back, everyone!" the teacher (if that's what you'll call her), Kathy, said with a huge grin. "Cordelia, I see you've brought someone this time. What should we call you?"


"That's an interesting name. Welcome, Whizzer. So, today, we will learn how to make cherry pie."

That doesn't really ease the situation, but I like the idea, he thought.

"You have everything you need right here, now let's get started!"

*tIme skip*

"How are things here, Whizzer?" Kathy said, walking over to his station.

"Honestly, I have no idea," he replied. Cordelia laughed. "It looks fine."

"She's right you know," Kathy told him. He looked up at her. "Really?"

"Yeah, you're getting really good."


"Yeah. Good luck."

"Thanks!" Whizzer said with an excited look on his face. He turned to Cordelia. "Are you proud of me?"

She smiled. "Of course I am."

*tIme skip*

"Now, I'm going to go round and try your pies. I have to say, they all look nice."

Whizzer smiled in excitement as Kathy walked up to his station. He closed his eyes as she tasted his creation.


He looked at her.

"It's... It's very good! Congrats!"

Whizzer smiled. "Thank you!"

She smiled in response. "You know, you should come again. Next week we're going to make a special kind of soup."

"Okay, I'll try."

Kathy said, this time louder so everyone could hear her, "Goodbye everyone, I hope to see you again next Friday!"

Whizzer turned to the entrance.

"Hi honey," Marvin, who was standing there, said. "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah!" Whizzer reached for his pie. "Try this!"

Marvin tasted the it. "Wow. Do you plan on making it again anytime soon?"

Whizzer laughed. "Maybe."

"Okay," Marvin said, taking his hand. "Cordelia, come on."

The three of them walked out and then home. The sun was shining, everything was great.

"Do you want to go next week?" Cordelia asked. "It'll be fun."

"I don't doubt that," Whizzer replied. "If you show me the way, I can't remember it."

Cordelia smiled. "I'll take that as a yes, then."

A/N i suck at endings, always

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