You smile weakly at him, teasing. "We wouldn't want that, would we?" Another brief moment of silence. You pause for a moment, debating whether or not to do something, before reaching up to the hand placed on your cheek and settling your own over his.

Kylo's head suddenly snaps up, looking past you as though he had heard something. His hand rips away from your face and the last thing you see before he disappears is his lightsaber igniting in his other hand and a blur of motion. You stare fearfully at the place he was standing just moments before. You hoped he was alright. There was only so much loss you could take, after all.

To get your mind off of it, you were going to hit the training room. You were now anxious to please Kylo with your progress after yesterday's fiasco and you knew the Knights of Ren were probably talking about you. They must have been talking about how weak you were. Kylo must have been embarrassed and angry with you for making him look back as well as yourself. As his apprentice, you were representing him.

If you failed, it made him appear as a bad teacher. That was something you couldn't risk. Especially not with Snoke entrusting his apprentice to take on an apprentice. Part of you wanted to meet the illusive Supreme Leader but your other half was terrified of the man. From the way Kylo spoke of him, he wasn't the type of man to be meddled with. You knew your mouth would get you in some form of trouble eventually, but Snoke was the type to sew it shut. No. You were going to have to focus on bettering your skills before you faced the Supreme Leader. And that was exactly what you were determined to do.


You were out of the training room the moment a Stormtrooper informed you that Kylo Ren's ship had returned. Apparently he had brought a prisoner back with him. That was strange... a prisoner but no droid? There must have been something special about this person. Perhaps he or she had seen the map? You would find out later. As you hurry down towards the main hangar, you pass by a group of Stormtroopers carrying an unconscious girl. Well there's my answer, you rip your eyes away and continue your search for your master. They hadn't told you if he had been injured or not. They hadn't even said anything about the mission. It could have gone completely awry and you wouldn't have known.

Then your heart leaps and you breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of Kylo storming towards you. He wasn't limping or coated in blood. So far so good.

"Did you get the-" you are cut off when he brushes past you, not even paying any attention to you. You scowl and storm after him. "Excuse me."

"No." He snaps, not bothering to look back. "The girl was all we needed. She has seen the map."

You scoff. "Seriously? Why did you just take the droid and-"

"You and I are going to interrogate her. I don't want a single word coming from you until I acknowledge you, is that clear?" Kylo orders.

"Fine," there was no point in arguing now. "I just don't understand why-"

He interrupts once more. "We'll discuss it later."

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, you rolled your eyes. Kylo doesn't slow his pace until he reaches the interrogation room. Just the sight of it made you shiver and feel sick to your stomach. You had spent many nights hungry, cold, and in pain while you were in those metal restraints. It was strange being on the other side of it now. The same side as the man who had done all of those things to you. You stand beside Kylo as the girl begins to shift. You observe her face closely.

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