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It's the day after Shinsou's rut, Ojiro was the first to wake up because she felt sick. She tryed to get up but her legs still felt like jelly from yesterday. She groaned in pain which caused Shinsou to shoot up in protective alpha mode but once he realized she groaned in pain because of last night he chuckled and said in a raspy and deep voice "You need help." Ojiro huffed and crossed her arms as she said "nuh", the she let out a small sigh and said "yes." At that remark Shinsou slid out of bed and carefully picked up Ojiro and took her to the bathroom then waited outside the door so she can have some privacy.

While Ojiro was in the bathroom, she remembered that she was not on birth control and took out the pregnancy test she had bought before Shinsou's rut. She quickly stood up with all the strength in her body and fumbled in the sink drawer for the test. She peed on the test and it came back positive. She started to break down and silently cry, after a while Shinsou started to get worried and knocked on the bathroom door and said " Babe you ok?" Ojiro sniffled loud enough for Shinsou to hear. Shinsou opened to door quickly only to see Ojiro crying and holding a pregnancy test.

Shinsou gasped and Ojiro cryed harder, she didn't think that her husband wanted pups right now. Ojiro sniffled and said quietly "I-I'm sorry." Shinsou ran over and hugged Ojiro tightly, Ojiro gasped and said "W-what, your not mad?" Shinsou lifted her head and to Ojiro's surprise he was crying. "Mad why would I be mad, your gonna have my pups!" Shinsou said excitedly. Ojiro smiled and huged her mate tightly.

After a couple of weeks you could see Ojiro's little baby bump and Shinsou was very over protective and making sure she had everything needed.
Shinsou and Ojiro finally decided to tell their parents, first Shinsou.

Hizashi, Aizawa, and Eri we're both very happy to hear the news. Shinsou picked up his 5 month old baby sister(Jinx) which made her make little happy noises. Hizashi started giggle at her husband and daughter(Eri), their face was in awe looking at Shinsou and Jinx make happy noises. Ojiro was recoding Shinsou and Jinx while standing in a weird way because of her baby bump.

Next was Ojiro's parents, her mom was very excited to have grandchildren but on the other hand her dad was being a big baby talking about how he lost his little girl to a purple mop. Before they left Ojiro's parents house, her dad whispered to Shinsou to take good care of his little girl or else. Her mom smacked his back and told Shinsou to run along as she dragged her husband inside.

Shinsou blabbered about if the pup or pups where going to be a boy or girl, twins or triplets, and the nursery. He made sure Ojiro was happy all the time and cooked healthy meals for her and the pup or pups. Ojiro got a phone call one day from her doctor, when she picked up the phone she started to cry and told the doctor thank you then hung up. She instantly called Shinsou into the room which caused Shinsou to come speeding up the stairs to they're room. Shinsou asked what was wrong in a very worried voice,

Ojiro stuttered out " we are having


"YES, we're have twin boys!"

Shinsou huged Ojiro softly because of her baby bump. The next day Shinsou met with all his friends(Inasa, Shoji, Kirishima, Bakugou, Dabi, and Mirio)at the store. They were all there to buy baby stuff for their mates to.

"We gotta hurry this up, Todoroki is very clingy now that she's pregnant and she's most likely going to wake up once she feel I'm gone." Inasa said

"This isn't going to take long, Ojiro get grumpy when I leave."

"Stop fucking talking already, I'm wanna go cuddle deku." Bakugou yelled

"Wow who know you were the type to cuddle." Dabi snorted

Shoji sighed and used all six arms to push his friends to the door. Once they were inside the all spit(except Bakugou and Kirishima because they got Denki and deku pregnant at the same time)

Bye the time Shinsou got home Ojiro was fast asleep he kissed her face and went to go shower. When he was done he got into bed, careful not to wake up Ojiro and cuddled her and their unborn twin boys.

Time skip(9 months)
Shinsou was watching Ojiro's every step because her water could break any anytime. Ojiro was walking around making sure everything was in place for when her water broke. Ojiro went upstairs to check on the nursery, when she screamed bloody murder for Shinsou who ran up the stairs in a panic. He looked at Ojiro who was looking at him holding her stomach and standing in a puddle of water. Shinsou quickly and carefully picked her up and speed down stairs, grabbed his keys and remote stared his dark blue challenger. He put Ojiro in the car and ran back inside to grab the baby stuff.

Time skip(Hospital)
Shinsou walked with the nurse that was taking Ojiro to the birth room. The nurses told Shinsou that couldn't go into the room with his omega but little did they know, Ojiro started to push without the nurses knowing and she screamed for her alpha. Shinsou growled loudly while Aizawa and Ojiro's dad held him back from trying to attack the nurses. Hizashi and Ojiro's mom when to Ojiro to comfort her.

The nurses rushed to Ojiro to help her push and to get away from her raging alpha. Ojiro screamed painfully as she held tightly onto Hizashi and her moms hand.

Time skip
Ojiro was exhausted, she gave birth to beautiful twin boys. The nurses went out of the room to tell Shinsou that he could come in and see his pups, Shinsou bust through the door almost knocking over the nurses just to see his pups and wife. Ojiro looked at him with tired eyes and said "What are we going to name them." Shinsou had tears in his eyes when he said

" The one with tail will be Blade and the one that looks like me will be Blake."

"I love them so much, our beautiful pups."

Shinsou dream had come true, to one day have his very own pups with the love of his life. Now he and his wife can have a happy little family of their own.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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