"Oi, are you coming or are you just gonna stand there looking stupid?" He shook his head, breaking the trance and slammed the door shut.

"Shut your damn mouth, I'll do whatever the hell I damn please!" You looked at him annoyed again and sat down on his bed, his room was extremely tidy to your surprise and liking, you hated dirty and disorganized things so his room being this clean made your heart skip a beat. 

"What the hell?" You grabbed your chest. You took in a deep breath. He looked at you confused.

"You okay?" Your hand slid down your chest and back into your lap. His room is clean so what? His shitty attitude makes up for it. 

"Yeah I'm fine just got this weird feeling in my chest but it went away." He continued looking at you for a moment and then gathered the rest of the things you needed for the project. You two continued working in silence until you were finally finished with everything. The project technically wasn't due for another two weeks but it wouldn't hurt to revisit it to make alterations before then. 

"Well, now that we're done here, I've got a bed that's calling my name." You stood to gather your belongings, your bangs hanging in front of your eyes. You looked over to Bakugo, he wasn't looking at you, but he was making a face that made it seem like he wanted to ask you something. 

"You okay there bud?" He looked over at you with a slight pinkness to his cheeks. He was silent which again was unusual for the blonde. You shrugged your shoulders and continued picking up your things and headed for the door.

"Do you maybe want to stay for a bit longer and watch a movie or something?" You stopped in your tracks. Was Bakugo really asking you this? No, he called Kirishima or Kaminari that's it, he wasn't asking you of all people to hang out. You had barely talked in the past and what little you had communicated, he irritated you and you irritated him right back. 

"Me?" You turned around to face him, he was looking away again and the pink had returned to his cheeks.

"Yeah you, you're the only one in here aren't you? Dumbass." You felt that feeling in your chest again and then you thought back to the conversation you had overheard before entering his room. There's no way he was talking about you was he? You lifted your hand once again to your chest. 

"Um, sure what do you have in mind?" He looked up a little taken aback by your response. He returned to that angry looking boy again and smiled big.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm a huge horror movie nut. I have tons, want to choose one?" That feeling returned once again and this time it felt deeper. 

"I love horror movies, whatcha got?" He lead you over to the bookcase where he kept all of his movies. You scanned through hoping to find your favorite movie of all time, 13 Ghosts. Sure enough, there it was. You smiled huge and grabbed it off the shelf. It was still sealed shut so you were guessing he hadn't watched it yet which was perfect for you, you loved introducing people to this movie.

"This one, this is my favorite horror movie, I'm actually pretty excited to see that you have it." He smiled big taking from your hand and popping it into his laptop. That feeling kept returning to your chest however. It was almost like the breathe was being sucked from you. What the hell was this feeling? 

"Come on idiot, let's watch this since it's your favorite and all." He plopped down on his bed motioning for you to come sit with him. You stood still for a moment and then proceeded to sit next to him, trying not to touch him. You shivered a little as you sat down, this fiery boy really liked to keep his room chilly. Before you could object, he wrapped a blanket around you and him and grabbed your shoulder pulling you closer to him. The heat coming from his body made you realize why he kept it so cold.

My Hero Academia Lemons/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now