Katsuki Bakugo

398 10 18

"Oi, how many times do I have to call your phone before you actually pick up? Call me back dumbass." You sigh and push the covers off your buried head. This boy was going to be the death of you. You were assigned the hot headed boy as your partner for an assignment that you were actually pretty excited about, however working with him made it not so exciting anymore as he wanted to do practically the whole thing by himself. Why he was calling you was unknown to you or how he got your number for that matter. 

You crawled out of bed, it was afternoon on a Saturday and you had planned on sleeping the day away. It seemed that he wasn't gonna make this easy going weekend so easy. You honestly didn't want to call him back though you knew you should, it could be important. You looked down at your cell and dialed the number. 

"It's about damn time, what the hell were you doing to have ignored my calls?" He went quit surprisingly he wanted an answer from you. 

"I was sleeping." Was all you said. He stayed silent for just a moment and then he started to speak again, only this time it was much quieter than you were used to with this fire for brains idiot.

"Well put on some clothes and come over here so we can finish this stupid project, I have other plans for the weekend you know." You heard him hang up and that was it. God he really was gonna be the death of you. First he wanted to do the whole thing bu himself and now he actually wants your help? What is his problem? Whatever, you got up and went to your closet to get something comfy to wear. You went with a soft pink romper that was actually brand new with the tags still attached.

"This seems like it would be perfect for today, and it's so soft and comfy." You hugged the romper to your face and rubbed it up and down as the soft fabric was so comforting to think about lounging around in. You threw it on along with a pair of gray vans and grabbed all the necessities. You stepped out of your dorm room and into the bright hallway. 

Turning down the hallway, heading towards Bakugo's room, you ran into Kaminari who had a few choice words for you.

"Wowzers, (y/n), you're looking uber cute today in that outside, it really brings out those beautiful eyes of yours." You smiled and thanked the boy. He was actually someone you had been interested in after coming to UA, you both were in the class and him and Kirishima were two that had captured your heart rather quick. You walked passed him after giving him a blushy grin and made your way up to Bakugo's door, but before you could knock you heard voices coming from the other side.

"I can't just tell her shitty hair, I'm definitely not her type. I don't know she seems like she likes you or knockoff pikachu. What do I even say to her? *sigh* she'll never know I feel about her, and she'll never reciprocate those feelings either. I might as well just give up on this. Well hey I gotta get off here, (y/n) is coming over so we can finish this damned project." And with that he hung up the phone. You stayed quiet, who was he talking about? Uraraka maybe? Oh well, it wasn't your business. 

You finally gave it enough time and you knocked on his door. He answered with a not so friendly face, surprise surprise. He looked down at you and it may have been your imagination but you swore he had the slightest blush acrossed his cheeks. 

"It's about damn time, what took so long your room is literally four doors down." You just stared up at him with an annoyed look in your eyes. 

"Can we get this over with, I'd like to get some more sleep before this weekend is over with." You pushed past the boy in an effort to get this shit started but he seemed way more distracted than usual. He stayed planted at the door frame almost in a trance after you walked past, the sweet aroma of perfume and girly shampoo filling his nose. 

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