Q and A

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the moment youve been waiting for (lmao not rlly). see how i changed the name of the chapter by making it capital letters (jeez malaika your so clever)

anyways enough of me- oh wait this entire chapter is gna be about me bcs you lovely people asked questions about me so you can get to know me better and ily all uwu

turnip434513 asked:
          "How do you know nili?"
for those of you who dont know who nili is then shes D4RKSEAVEY so go follow her rn
okay well, i don't know nili in person but me and her met on wattpad actually and became besties so yeah shoutout to nili lmao

nikithanb asked:
"why did you delete your old misc book?"
i think i mentioned this before but honestly all the stuff that happened to me before i took a break from wp is behind me. so when i came back i thought that i should delete my misc book because it had all those bad memories in that i wanted to forget. but thank you to all of you guys that helped me through all that shit but yeah this is basically my new misc book so enjoy me ranting about random stuff

"when is your birthday?"
21st November 2005. i dont know why but for some reason i really like my birthday date lmao just me?
anyways whens your guys birthdays?

D4RKSEAVEY also asked:
"whats your favourite marvel movie"
this is honestly an extremely hard question but ill try to answer it. i love all of them pretty much equally (well im not a big fan of the incredible hulk) but if i had to vaguely choose id say my favs are the captain america trilogy or both spiderman movies or infinity war or endgame. actually no endgame and infinity war made me cry but i still liked the plot if you get what i mean *wink wink* anyways like i said maybe the cap trilogy and if i had to choose from them then probs cap 2: the winter soldier lmao. what about u guys?

ps if any of you have any more questions then dont be shy put some more
ly guyss

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