-9- epilogue

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Yamaguchi's POV


I hop about trying to get my last shoe on and get to the door.

I get my shoe on but not before stumbling into the table and almost knocking the lamp off.

"Yamaguchi are you ok in there?"tsukki calls from outside.

"Yeah just fine. One second." I yell back towards the door.

I grab my phone and make my way to the door. I swing the door open and there is tsukki dressed in his casual clothes.

Ok here we go. My first date with tsukki.

"Ready?"he asks.


I walk outside locking the door behind me.

"So...where are we going?"I ask not really sure if he planned anything.

"You will see. Be patient yamaguchi."

Before I can argue he grabs my hand and pulls me down the sidewalk.

We run a couple blocks and by then I'm dying. I stop, forcing tsukki to stop too.

I put my hands on my knees and try to suck in as much air as I can.

Stamina was never my strong suit.

"We're almost there. Just around the corner."he says.

I stand back up and look around. I was a little too busy trying to keep up with tsukki I didn't even notice where we were going.

It looks normal. Just some houses and trees scattered around. Cars parked on the side of the road and kids playing outside.

Tsukki takes my hand again but this tome goes slower, pulling me just around the corner of the street before stopping again.

It's just a field...but it's mesmerizing. The sun is high in the sky lighting up the golden green grass. The smell of pine floats through the air. I can hear running water in the distance giving out a calming effect.

There on the field is a little blue blanket with a picnic basket displayed in the center.

Tsukki takes my hand and leads me towards it. We take out seats and the blanket is as soft as can be. I hold a little edge of the fabric between my fingers feeling the soft blue.

I look back up at tsukki and give him the biggest smile I can.

"I love it!"I tell him.

"I'm glad. I had to ask my brother for help."

I laugh a little at that. Him and his brother aren't as close as they used to be so it makes me even more happy to know that he went to him for advice.

"Want to eat? I brought your favorites." He says.

I don't answer but he took that as a yes because he opened the little basket and started to remove the food he packed.

"I brought extra water in case we want to play volleyball later." He says.

My mouth is starting to hurt from all this smiling. He knows me so well. I mean we are best friends but I never thought he really knew what I liked. I didn't think he really payed attention to little things about me.

"Ok that sounds great!"I say this time not having to fake my happiness.

We start to eat and everything is amazing. He packed my favorites like strawberries and french fries. It was all so good.

"Have you tried these!"I yell holding a big red juicy strawberry in front of his face.

He lets out a little chuckle and takes a bite of it. I put my hand back down and look up waiting to see his reaction.

"Isn't it sooooo good?"I ask. He just smiles at me.

"It is good. But it's not my favorite strawberry to eat."

I give him a confused look. What other kinds of strawberry's are there? But before I have a chance to ask what he means he takes the back of my head and brings it to his giving me a soft loving kiss.

I blush when we pull apart and say the only thing I can think of.

"You tase like strawberry."


Ok that's the end. I hope you liked it.

Don't forget to vote my little duckies 🐤🐤🐤

Confusing feelings  - yamaguchi x tsukishima जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें