They Don't Know About Us!

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You and Josh were running away because your dad didn't approve of you too. "You ready?" Josh asked. He could see the fear in your eyes "Yeah." You answered. He drove off speeding. You turn on the radio and 'As Long As You Love Me' by Justin Bieber is on. Josh starts singing then he drives to the train station and starts dancing like Justin. You are surpried that he can literally dance! Then he drives off when the song is about to finish. You see your dad is followinng you guys. You speed and then stop in the middle of the highway which is really lonely for the first time! He walks out the car and so does your dad. "You don't know us!" You can hear Josh say. Then you see your dad start beating him. "STOP! Leave him alone!" You say. He pushes you and he starts beating Josh senseless! Then you notice the radio is still on.  You go turn it off and help Josh up. "They don't know about us!" Josh says before he faints! You meet him at the hospital. "(Y/N), I love you! They don't know about us. But as long as you love me.. i won't change my mind of spending my life with you!" You kiss him.

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