"Yeah! You never really come over unless it's urgent, let alone stay overnight. So what's up?", spoke the girl casually, meeting his eyes.

"You're finally awake. Are you alright?", asked the blonde with a lace of concern in his voice, hazed eyes searching worriedly over her features.

"Yeah, I'm pretty fine.", answered (Y/n), watching him quietly as he covered his mouth with one hand, letting out a small yawn. The chair screeched against the marble floor as he stood up and moved her way.

"Mr. Lero Ro found you lying unconscious in the Middle Area's park square yesterday." Hansung started to gently unwrap the bandages around her head. "What happened?"

"Well...this might sound pretty dumb but I just slipped in the rain." (Y/n) lowered her head in embarrassment, letting her locks create a curtain in front of her eyes.

"What were you doing out there anyway?" The blonde collected the bandages in his hands before walking to the front side of the room to throw them away in the dust bin.

"I was looking for Lorelei, actually..."

"The abandoned child?"

"Yeah. Remember our agreement? That if I brought her here, all the expenses would be put on me?"

Hansung nodded.

"Well, that was the day she was supposed to come yet she disappeared... I don't even have one concrete lead to her...", (Y/n) spoke in a quiet voice as she lightly gripped the sheets. She could feel herself become more dispirited and distressed as she reminded herself of that fact.

"And based on what I found out yesterday, it's possible that the Workshop took her...", she managed to choke out as her throat began to tighten. The bed emitted a low creak as Hansung sat next to her and wrapped his arm around her, bringing her closer to him. (Y/n) rested her head on his shoulder as she relaxed in his embrace.

The Workshop was quite a sensitive subject to her, given her past. Hansung wasn't much of an affectionate person, but he felt the need to console her even if it was only a little bit. Contrary to what most people thought about him, he had people he cared about and (Y/n) was one of them.

"I-I don't know what to do now...", sobbed the girl, her eyelashes brimming with tears as she tried her best to keep them in. "She needs me."

"Do you think it's time for you to go up the Tower?", asked the blonde, looking at her with a kind gaze as he wiped her fallen tears.

"I don't have a choice. I just hope she'll be alive till then..."

Interrupting their conversation, muffled voices from the other side of the door grew louder and were followed by clear knocks.

"I'll get it." Hansung removed his arm around her and walked towards the door.

"Thanks.", sniffled (Y/n) as she wiped away at the remnant of her tears as to look somewhat presentable but more so to hide the fact that she was crying. She slapped her cheeks lightly and feigned a small smile; she wasn't really comfortable with allowing people other than Hansung to see her so vulnerable.

Opening the door with a small click, it revealed a tall, blonde haired man accompanied by a stout, red-haired man.

"Ro, I should have been the one to--!"

"It doesn't matter, Quant."

The two continued bickering, unaware that Hansung stood silently before them.

"Ah. Hamburger and Coke, it's nice to see you both."

The two stopped arguing at the sound of the coffee addict's voice.

"Oh, good morning. This is for (Y/n). Is she awake?", questioned Lero Ro, motioning towards the tray of breakfast in his hands. Meanwhile, Quant stood on his toes, trying to peek through the doorframe as Hansung blocked off most of the entrance.

"Yes, come in.", said the blonde as he stepped aside, allowing the two Rankers to enter.

"(Y/n)!", shouted the red-haired man as he rushed inside to greet her with the taller blonde following behind.

"Heyyyyy.", replied (Y/n) with a grin on her face as she pointed finger guns at the red-haired man who returned the gesture.

Walking over to her with a tray of Italian cannoli pancakes and a cup of milk , Lero Ro set it down on the black nightstand.

"We both prepared this for you."

"Ah, thank you so much, Mr. Lero Ro, and Mr. Quant.", exclaimed the girl in surprise, bowing her head slightly as she eyed her favorite breakfast.

"How're you feeling?", asked the blonde, tapping his cheek with his gloved finger.

"I'm alright. By the way, thank you for getting me back here. I wouldn't know where I'd be now." (Y/n) fiddled with her fingers as she looked at Lero Ro.

Quant, who stood silently behind him, spoke up, "How did you get in that situation anyway?"

"Well, I was looking for a friend of mine and happened to get up in a sudden storm.", answered (Y/n) briefly, not wanting to give any more information than need be.

"Ah, I see.", uttered Lero Ro, crossing his arms, not wanting to press her further.

"Be careful, alright?"

"I will, thank you both again. I really appreciate it."

"(Y/n), if you're hurt and in need of help, I'll be the one to save you! Lero Ro's had his turn already!", spoke the red-haired man enthusiastically as he jabbed a thumb in his direction.

"I hope I can count on you.", chuckled (Y/n) in response in his declaration.

"Alright, we just wanted to take a few minutes to check on you.", spoke Lero Ro as he and Quant opened the door to leave.

"Bye!", she responded in time before the door closed. Hansung Yu, who stood quietly beside (Y/n) the whole time, turned to face her.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

Moving to the edge of her bed, (Y/n) planted her feet on the ground before getting up and walking around for a bit. "Physically? Then yeah, I'm perfectly fine."

"Seems that two days was enough. Well then, freshen up when you're done eating breakfast. If you need me, don't hesitate to message me."

Humming a reply, she walked over and wrapped her arms around his frame for a few seconds, breathing in his light coffee scent. Ruffling her hair, Hansung returned her endearment.

Letting go, she spoke, "See you later."

The blonde nodded and pivoted on his heel, his loose golden strands flowing behind him as he exited the room.

Turning around, (Y/n) clasped her hands together as she focused her attention on the delicious breakfast in front of her.

"Alright, time to eat."

**Disclaimer: Hansung Yu is not a romantic interest.

- Lil Tato ❧

Heaven's Yeouiju ✰ Jue Viole GraceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin