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A/N: Hey Guys!! I don't even know if anyone is reading this but let me write anyway. This is one-shot takes place after Rogues came back to the Tower. They all know that Peter is Spider-Man and most of them don't approve. Natasha is just not going to be present in the one-shot, no reason. 

Warnings: Swearing, Horrible Rogue Avengers.

It's been a long day for Peter. School day had been horrible. It was too loud and too smelly. He almost had a sensory overload as soon as he entered the school. Flash would not leave him alone the whole day. Peter wonders if Flash ever gets bored of saying the same shit to him almost every time he sees him. He was glad when the day was over even though the bell ringing felt like enduring a hundred migraines at once.

He rode back to the Tower with Happy. He had been living with Tony since he sent May on a world tour because he felt that 'she deserved a break from her stupidly-selfless Spider-child' almost 2 months ago. 

The Rogues had returned to the Tower two weeks ago after Mr.Stark had amended the Accords and the Rogues were pardoned.

Peter was still bitter about the Rogues after what Rogers did to Mr.Stark and the way they reacted when they got to know that he was Spider-Man. They had shouted at Mr.Stark about letting a kid fight them and then had proceeded to treat Peter like he was a burden in the Tower while truthfully, the owner of the Tower would much rather not have any of the Rogues so close to him. So Peter didn't even bother to hide his dislike-he would actually go as far as to say hate-towards them.

He entered the living room to see Mr.Stark, Colonel Rhodey and The Rogues arguing very loudly about some battle strategies. Peter almost collapses because of the sudden slaughter his ears are having to endure. Mr.Stark notices him enter and hold his hands to his ears desperately. 

Tony gestures to Rhodey towards Peter before he gets up from the couch and goes over to hi-the kid. Rhodey somehow manages to silence the Rogues and asks FRIDAY to dim the lights. The dark and the silence except for the whispered words of comfort from his mentor coax Peter out of his sensory overload pretty quickly.

There is silence in the air for a moment before Sam decides to scoff and say, "What, kid ? Can't even handle a little bit of noise?" The way he said 'kid ' made Peter want to punch him in the face- spider-strength and all. 

Wanda continued, "How do you even handle your villians? You're so vulnerable to everything. Bet it must be very easy to fight."

Steve FUCKING Rogers decided to say, "Why do we even have a child in the Tower? He's just pretending to be a superhero or whatever. We don't even know anything about the kid!"

Peter interjects and says, "The people who matter know about me pretty well, Rogers. You, on the other hand, don't have to know anything. And honestly, tell your opinion about me to someone who gives half a shit about it."

Tony looked at Peter with something that seemed to be pride in his eyes. For what though? Peter didn't know.

Clint then says, "You think you are oh-so-strong, huh? Well, let me tell you that the world is very cruel and you are going to break the minute you step outside Stark's shadow."

Peter looks at Tony for a second before he starts laughing, but it is not the normal bubbly Peter-like laugh. This laughter contains a certain malice that sent shivers down their spines. 

Once Peter stopped laughing, in a voice laced with venom(no, not Venom-Venom), he said, "You think I, of all people, would break? Well let me tell you Birdbrain, I just don't break. Anyone in this room wants to give a try?" Just as he finished that question, he feels a certain witch trying to access his brain for information. With a lazy attempt, he pushes her out of his mind and scoffs. "Is that the best you've got?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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