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Vic pov

it had been a week since i was in the hospital and since i found out on my own that i was pregnant i had not told teddy because he had been drinking more and more by the day because he was stressed about me possibly being pregnant i didn't know when to tell him or how i figured i would wait until i got symptoms and go to get checked. i was the only one who knew about this and i was scared as fuck to tell my mom and dad and my other family members, it was to much for me right now. i sat up in bed and i seen teddy asleep with a bottle of alcohol next to him i sighed and i got up to use the bathroom..i finished and i looked in the mirror i splashed water on my face and looked at my stomach it was flat but i still knew i had the instics like a mother would when pregnant, i smiled and put my hand on my lower abdomen. "i know you not even able to hear yet but i love you and i'm sure daddy does two my angle." i whispered gently and i walked back to my room teddy was awake and he looked at me. "where did you go?" he asked he was no longer drunk " i went to the bathroom.." i said and i got in bed turning on my side my back facing him. 

"vic.." he said putting his hand on my shoulder i flinched only because i was scared something would hurt the baby i looked at him and he pulled his hand away. "i'm sorry i've been drinking but not knowing if your pregnant is getting to me i dont think im ready for that victorie" he said i looked at him and i nodded "well i am...." i said he looked at me shocked "how do you know you never got tested?" he said i shook my head " a mother has instinct and i have them i know that i'm pregnant ted." i said he nodded "vic i don't know if i can handle that..." teddy said at his words my head fell "so..your going to leave me and your child because you don't want to man up for your actions on not using a condom?" i said quietly and softly but meaning every word i said. "i...uh..look we can't have a baby we are to young vic" teddy said i nodded "if you don't want to help me take care of our child then you can leave and never come back or talk to either of use again." i said he looked at me "it's not that i don't want to its that i can't handle that yet."

he said i nodded "it's clear get your things and leave we are done edward." i said using his first name with venom clear in my voice he looked at me not expecting it and he got his things and left. from then on i knew i was alone and would be for a long time i made a wand call to my parents explaining everything and they understood and accepted it they were not mad at all and next week i am taking the flu over to harry and draco's to tell them since te-edward wont. 

draco's pov

"Ezra lily narcissa!!! stop running from me you need to take a bath!." i said chasing my 4 year old daughter around the house harry went in front of her and she hit his leg and fell on the floor "shit!" harry yelled as ezra fell. "daddy why did you do thant!" she yelled holding her nose i got on my knees and checked her face. "is her nose broken?!." harry asked getting on his knees with me holding her face gently "no she is ok she is a strong little witch aren't you ez?" i said she nodded and harry picked her up and took her to the bathroom. and i followed behind him ezra making faces at me the whole time it made me laugh she was a strong little girl for being only 4. but out of no where i heard the flu flash harry stopped and looked with me. "hay.." victorie said shyly i went to great her and harry followed suit i hugged her and she barely hugged back. i wonder why i know i was the same but only when i was....she is pregnant shit..

"come sit victoire harry honey give ez her bath she needs it." i said harry nodded and listened seeing in my eyes i could handle what she had to say. we sat down i on the couch and she looked at me. " i'm pregnant.." she said smoothly looking down at the floor "i know dear i can tell by how you hugged me that's how i would hug harry or anyone when i was carrying but it will be fine you have teddy and he is the best support you will have." i said she looked at me like she was about to cry " i broke up with teddy about a week ago...he said he couldn't handle this and that it was to much...so i told him to leave and if he wanted to come back to see him or her he wasn't allowed to because what's the point of their father leaving then say i want to come back now when their 12....." she said starting to cry

" i see well you have harry and i and i'm sure your parents i can help you and even set up and appointment at St Mungo's to check on you and the baby. i know he will come back to you but i don't know when it could be today it could be months from now or it could be the day you have them." i said she nodded and i looked at her whipping her stray tears away "how far along are you?" i asked she looked at me "two weeks maybe more" she said i looked at her shocked "ho-" i was cut off by her speaking "i can just tell i have the instinct to protect them" she said and i nodded understanding. "daddy!!!" i heard ezra scream out of nowhere and i felt her jump on me." papa gave me a bath with bubbles today!!" she said happily and i smiled kissing both of her cheeks over and over. "did he really?!" i said shocked but smiling and she nodded her head vigorously

"yeah i made them change colour to for her" harry said coming up behind me kissing my cheek "did you why didn't you tell me lily?" i said she shrugged "i didn see a differwence" she said i looked at harry and sighed "how can she not see the difference?" victorie asked and harry rubbed my shoulder " she is colour blind...we don't know how to fix it or if we even can we have gone is many doctors but they all say it's not treatable she wasn't born that way though she only stopped seeing the colours about a 2 3 weeks ago." harry said "that's around the same time teddy and i you know did it and maybe she can't see colour because his magic is making it so for some reason she is about as powerful as him when you think about it so his magic is currently making her colour blind because his magic is trying to hide something that she would point out." victorie said i looked at harry "i'm getting teddy over here" harry said and he left 

about five minutes later harry and teddy come out of the flu and teddy looked right at victorie. "why are you here?" he asked and the depression was clear in his voice. "i come here because are child is their grand child so unless you have a problem with that i can leave." victorie said and teddy shook his head " no your fine, what did you want me for dad?" teddy asked looking at me holding ezra, and teddy smiled when she looked up at him she got off my lap and ran to him and he picked her up with no hesitation. "hi ez how is my favorite little girl?" teddy said to ezra calmly but i could feel sadness for some reason i looked at victorie and she had her arm over her stomach and she was looking down. i knew by her seeing him and ezra like that made her heart brake because he didn't want their baby. but suddenly ezra screamed "vicy your pink!" she yelled ezra made teddy put her down and she ran to victorie "your tummy is pink vicy why?" victorie looked at me and we both knew "look's like your having a girl and you get to know early."i said victorie only nodded but she was still hurting. 

"i'm going to go..." she said and she went to go into the flu but teddy stopped her.  "let me go...their is no point in you saying anything to me right now i'm alone in this and you made that clear." she said teddy grabbed her carefully and hugged her and she just broke down into his arms. i wonder if this means there going to get back together?

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