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Your P.O.V.
"What does Mrs. Melissa's list say, (Y/n)?" Michiru asks me. I take out my phone and go to the picture. I give the phone to her as I push the cart in the store.

"You said that you're not a toddler Michiru. So, if you can get the milk while I go get my coffee beans... I might trust you again." Michiru smirked and ran off into the direction of the dairy items.

"Michiru! Wait, I can't drive the cart that fast!" I scream after her. Pushing this cart to catch up to her is going to be very hard.

Shirou's P.O.V.
Now I'm not thinking that it was a good idea to let (Y/n) go off with Michiru, but it's too late now. I walk over to the aisle that normally has the coffee beans that I normally get.

"Huh? What?" I give a low sigh as I realize that all of the coffee beans of the brand I normally get are gone, they must be sold out. I guess it wouldn't be too bad to try a different brand. Hopefully it doesn't taste bad. I wouldn't want to waste my money.

I grab the item and I go over to where the milks are. I look around a little but I don't see the Tanuki and Half-Dog anywhere. I sniff around for their scents and then I follow their smells until I see them. They were in another aisle, placing paper towels into the shopping cart.

"And.. done! Oh, hey Shirou, got your coffee? We decided to get all of the stuff on Mrs. Melissa's list while we waited for you." Michiru smiled to me.

"Oh, because you wanted to prove to me that you could be responsible by yourselves?"

"No. But, that could've been another reason why we did it. But anyway, I did it because I wanted to help (Y/n) out." I nod and I feel a small smile appear on my face.

Your P.O.V.
Did Shirou just... smile? Well, I guess it doesn't matter beacuse his smile disappeared off of his face. He started walking towards the cash registers and Michiru and I followed.

After we left the store, we got back to Beastman Co-Op. We put all of the groceries away and Michiru went back to her room, being sure to take a juice box with her. She always smells like them, so maybe she just likes to drink them all of the time.

Shirou looked over to me. "(Y/n), do you want me to help you back up to your room? I don't want you to slip again." Haha very funny.

"Sure. I guess you could help me to my room, as long as you don't mind." He puts his arms around my shoulders to help me walk to my room. He opens the door and I blush as he helps me lay down on my bed.

He sits on the edge of my bed and stares into space. Maybe he was thinking about something important. "(Y/n)?"

"Yes?" I responded.

"I was thinking about the thief incident that we had not to long ago. I don't know how he was able to escape from me and the Tanuki, but it was a good thing that you were able to find him. To be honest, I wouldn't have let you come if I knew that your ankle was hurt. Plus, I didn't trust you at first. You're a half-beastman and I couldn't tell what you're intentions were at first. But now, I think I know."

"You do?"

"Yes. I feel like I might be able to trust you now. I know that Kuro does so maybe I should follow his lead." As if right on cue, Kuro goes from Shirou's shoulder onto the pillow that my foot it resting on. He nuzzles his face against my ankle. "It looks like he wants your ankle to get better soon."

Shirou looks at me and Kuro. "Honestly, I do too. I was thinking that after it healed we could go out and do something. It might help you out because you have to be stuck inside right now because of your injury."

G-go out? He probably didn't mean it that way but some wierd feeling inside of me wished that he did...

Wha-what am I talking about?! It's not that I like Shirou... right? "Okay. That's all I wanted to talk to you about so I want bother you anymore. Get some rest." Kuro flies back onto Shirou's shoulder. I see him take something from his pocket and he puts it on the table. Then he walks to my door.

"I tried to get a different flavor from the store earlier. I like it so hopefully you do too." He walks out of my room and closes the door. I look over to my table and of course... on that table is a protein bar.

After eating that little snack, I start to feel tired. I feel my eyes start to close. "(Y/n)! How's your ankle feeling?" Michiru says as she bursts into my room.

"Haha, hi Michiru..." I guess I wasn't going to get that nap now.


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