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"I can't believe it's been a year since I first came to Anima City! Maybe it wouldn't be too much if I did something to celebrate. It doesn't have to be too big, just something that I could remember in the future." Michiru says as she drinks a juice box. Since it was her 365 day anniversary of being in Anima City, she wanted to start the day off by watching the sunrise on the roof.

"Uhuh, good luck with finding money for that." The silver haired, Shirou harshly says.
"Sh-shirou!? You were here?"

"Yeah. I came to get you because the Mayor invited us over for morning tea."
Michiru's eyes light up. "Really?! Let's go!"

10 years earlier...
"Mommy...! How much longer 'till we get there... My feet hurt!!"
"I know, sweetie. It's not that far, you know. As soon as we get there, I'll cook a nice meal for all four of us okay? It'll be the first of many that I'll make in our new life of peace."

"Hey, that's great. You know I love your cooking, honey."

The seven year old (Y/N), her Mom, Dad, and little sister were all walking down the path to Anima City. They were almost at the docks, where the could catch a boat to drive them there. Beastman were starting to be in danger. So, the family had no choice but to leave their old city. Even though (Y/n)'s Dad was a human, her Mom hoped that there would be some way for him to live in Anima City with them.

But maybe not.

"Freeze you four!!! Put your hands up and don't move!" Police. They were stopping the family from going any further. (Y/n)'s Dad was a human and her Mom was already transformed into her human form, in order to not raise any suspicion between other humans. But, those precautions don't help the fact that anyone could see that they were going in the direction of the boats that go to Anima City. They had no other way to get to there because it wouldn't be safe for the two siblings.

(Y/n)'s Mom let go of her hand and put her hands up. Her Dad did the same.
"M-mommy? What's happening? I'm scared..."

"Shh, (Y/n)!" She whisper yelled.

The police officer spoke again. "Now turn around and let me look at your face!"
"Honey..." (Y/n)'s Dad whispered. "Take the kids and run to the docks."
"What...?" Her Mom answered.

Her Dad turned around to the cops and jumped at the leader. "Go, and don't look back!!!"

(Y/n)'s Mom stood in shock as her husband attacked the police officers. "(Y/n), grab my hand and let's go!!" Her Mom picked up her little sister and grabbed (Y/n)'s hand. She started running away with tears in her eyes.

"Dad!!!" The little (Y/n) screamed back to him. She saw him smile one last time and then she witnessed a police officer punch him in the face, knocking him out.
"Look foward, (Y/n). Your Dad said not to look back."

Tears filled your eyes, but you did what your Mom told you to.

Present Day...
Your P.O.V
School is about to end soon, and my last class of the day was math. Today we had a practice test that I finished not to long ago. It was getting a little boring in the classroom since kids were still working so I took my paper that I'm supposed to show my work on and started doodling on it.

After I finished sketching, I looked back at the paper. I drew a man with a coat and fluffy hair. I've never seen him before so I wondered why he was on my paper. I shrugged and stuffed it into my folder, which I also stuffed in my bookbag.

Ding, Dong, Ding, Ding!! Finally, school was over. I put my bookbag on my back and handed the test to my teacher. Now I had to walk home. I didn't have any friends in Anima City to walk home with. I was afraid that all of them would hate me because I'm half-human. I'm sure I won't have to be worried about that because humans are allowed in the City now. But... I have a feeling that some beastman still hold grudges against them.

"Mom, I'm home!" After a while of walking, I made it to my Mom, who was in her beastman form. I closed the door and walked over to her. She was making dinner in the kitchen and my little sister was watching TV in the living room.

"Hey, sweetie. How was school?"

"Meh, it was alright." I say, taking my bookbag off of my back and placing it on the counter.

"How was the practice test for math? I know you were studying really hard for it, so I hope all that work paid off." I looked at her and smiled.

"It was super easy Mom! They said that I'll get results tomorrow, I probably got an A so you don't need to worry about a thing."

"Oh, (Y/n). Speaking of getting results tommorow, the mayor asked for me to have this one guy check out your sister. They want to find out if she is a human or a beastman, or both, like you. She's already 14 and she's showing no signs of transforming into a beastman, if that's the case, it might be hard for her to make friends... harder than it is for you... and you don't really have any..."

Wow, thanks Mom. I think I might need ice for that burn.

"Okay, and what do you need me for?"

"Someone needs to stay here and keep an eye on your sister and finish this dinner, aka me. So, I need you to go to this place on this map here. Then, I need you to search for this guy. After you find him, bring him here so we can all go to the mayor so your sister can be checked."

That seemed like a lot of work that didn't quite make a lot of sense...

But okay. Can't argue with your Mom, right? I grabbed the map and then I grabbed the picture of the guy from her hands. "Alright Mom, see you later then!"

"Stay safe!"

"Bye, (Y/n)!" I heard my sister call out from the living room.
This was going to be a tough job. Finding people... isn't something I'm good at...


BNA Shirou Ogami x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora