9. the bus ride

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Max and Will took the bus from starcourt. Max looked out the window, noticing Jane who stood alone outside the mall, staring at the bus that was driving away.

"Hey Will?" she said.

"Yeah?" Will answered.

"What just happened back there?" she asked him straight forward.

"I don't know. I just felt frustrated." he said, thinking back at what happened. He didn't quite understand that bitter feeling he felt in that moment.

"Something is up with you and Mike, isn't it? it wasn't just about that sleepover," Max said.

Will tried to look uninterested. He didn't respond to her, but he knew that she was right. He felt like his best friend was drifting away. Will felt like he was losing him and couldn't do anything about it.

"Will?" Max tried to grab his attention once again, without success.

Will looked out the window, paying attention to the gray and heavy clouds that were about to start pouring any minute now.

He fiddled with the handles of the shopping bag. The bus was extremely quiet, there were only a few people onboard. Max took out her sharpie and started scribbling something on the seat infront of her. Will looked out the window once again, and rain started pouring from the sky.

"Look," Max broke the silence.

He looked at her again and then at the seat in front of her which Max was scribbling on before.

It was a badly drawn stick figure with a frown, standing alone with rain clouds above.

"Please tell me what's bothering you."
Max said.

The bus stopped and three passengers got off, none of them in proper clothing for the weather. Now they were the only passengers left on the bus.

"I don't know what you're talking about Max"He lied. He knew exactly what she was talking about.

"I know you Will Byers, And i know something's up. If you don't tell me what's going on, then I'm going to find out eventually" She said matter-of-factly.

Will couldn't lie to her. Max was way too good at detecting lies. She always knew if something was off, she took note of every little thing.

He wants to tell her everything. He wants to tell her how he felt jealous of Jane, how he missed his best friend,  how he felt confused all the time, how he feels ashamed of himself, how he felt like he was too weird, too abnormal, too different. He felt like he was broken.

But most important of all, he is afraid. He is afraid of what lies ahead. Everyone has changed over the summer, but Will felt like he changed in the worst way possible. It became harder for him to hide his feelings, and the sadness and confusion only turned into anger.
He didn't know what to feel anymore.

While most kids his age were finding themselves, experimenting with relationships and becoming a better and learning how to be the best version of themselves, Will felt like he was trapped.

Worst thing that happened over the summer is that his feelings towards the raven haired boy only grew stronger, the complete opposite of his plan to lose feelings for him over the summer.

He was head over heels, and he couldn't do anything about it.

As much as he didn't want to tell Max the truth, he couldn't bring himself to lie anymore. He didn't want to lie to himself anymore nor his friends. It did more harm than good in the long run.

If you don't tell me what's going on, then I'm going to find out eventually

She was right. You can't keep a secret from Max Mayfield.

He finally spoke up, letting it all out.

"I feel like he's drifting away, I don't know what to do. He's my best friend Max, I can't lose him," Will confesses, teardrops forming in the brim of his eyes.

There's no going back now,
he thought to himself.

"Shit, Will I'm so sorry," Max tells him, trying her best to comfort the almost-crying boy that sat beside her.

Will lets out a sniffle.

"It's my fault. I'm jealous of her," he says with a shaky voice.

"What do you mean? jealous of who?"
She says, not following. This was most likely the first time that the mind-reading redhead didn't pick up on hints.

"I'm jealous of Jane." he continues.

She pauses for a moment, trying to find the right thing to say in this situation, still not getting the message.

"I know that Mike has been distant ever since Jane came back, but i hope you know that you will always be his best friend, even though he has been meeting up with Jane more than normal lately. Mike is clueless and he can be a total dick sometimes but you have to talk to him and-

"It's not like that." Will interrupts her, looking at her with guilt plastered all over his face.

that look.

Max took a couple of seconds to process what just happened. The expression on her face changed dramatically as she realised.

October 24th, 2020

Word count~ 860

Hi there! forgive me for ending this chapter with a cliffhanger hahahah, thank you so much for your patience and support ;)
school has been severely draining lately, and it's been hard to keep up. But i'm working on the next few chapters so stay tuned! -Arla

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