3. thunder

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11 PM

Will layed his bike down on the sidewalk and swung the front door open, soaking wet from the rain.

What the hell just happened?  he thought to himself.

He went straight to his room. Johnathan was working late and his mother aswell so he was home alone for atleast an hour or two.


He changed from his soaking wet clothes into his cozy pyjamas, the rainbow striped ones: his personal favorite. It was warm and cozy, fit him perfectly, and had all the colors of the rainbow.

He then went to the kitchen and made himself some hot chocolate.

At this point it was almost storming outside.
He grabbed a blanket and sat down at the kitchen table, drawing in his sketchbook while taking short pauses in between to take sips of his hot chocolate.

He was drawing the party as superheroes. Max as Wonderwoman, Lucas as Superman, Dustin as The Hulk, and now he was drawing Mike as Batman and Robin as himself. He didn't include Jane in this photo, as he felt her always getting in the way of Will and Mike's friendship. The dynamic duo.

He did understand why Mike liked her though.
She was pretty, and super awesome. Shoulder length wavy hair, soft voice, pretty eyes and lips, and she also had superpowers. Oh, and worst of all, she was a girl.

Will could never compare to her, Will is a boy.
Mike liked girls. Will liked boys.


11:42 PM

Will jumped out of his seat when he heard a sudden knock on the front door.
Who decides to knock on someone's door this late at night in a thunderstorm? Wait, is it a serial killer? should I call mom, Johnathan, 911 or hide? I'm screwed!
He heard static from his supercom, and then barely audible words.

"Will? can you open the door? it's freezing outside."

Will knew that voice by heart.
It was Mike.

Will stood there frozen for a second.
What is he doing at my house this late?

He tiptoed to the front door and opened it, revealing a shivering, almost freezing to death raven haired boy.

"Mike, oh my god, what were you thinking?" Will moved back and closed the door, letting the soaking wet creature inside.

"I uh, just wanted to check up on you. Are you okay?" he said, sounding concerned.

"Mike, this is ridiculous, I'm clearly fine and it's storming outside!"

"Yeah but, you biked home in the rain. I just wanted to make sure you got home safe."

There was a silence. then Will spoke up, almost whispering-

"I'm not a baby. I can take care of myself."
He said sternly.

"Hey, you know that's not what I meant."
Mike responded.

"Okay, then stop acting like I'm one. And you can't go back home now Mike, It's too dangerous."

Mike looked out the window, staring at the raging storm outside. A lightning struck and Will felt a shiver down his spine. he hated thunderstorms, especially when he was home alone. Atleast he has some good company for now.

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