"The Fire Nation must have abandoned the temple when Avatar Roku died." Katara says.

"There might still be guards on the inside or be careful." I say.

"It's almost sundown. We better hurry!" Aang says.

We run to the Temple and run in.We quietly walk around until I hear something.

"Shh,I Just heard something." I say.

We slowly walk into the open and see five men in red with tall hats.

"We are the Fire Sages. Guardians of the temple of the Avatar." One of the Sages says.

"Great! I am the Avatar!" Aang says smiling.

"We know." One of the men says.

He shoots fire balls at us but Aang deflects them with his air bending.

"Run!I'll hold them off." Aang says.

I run up to one of them and sweep at three feet causing them to fall.I make a fire dagger and hit them with it.

Aang and I run to catch up with Katara and Sokka.As we run away I can over hear the men talking.

"If the Avatar contacts Roku, there's no telling how powerful the boy will become! Split up and find him.We need to get that girl too.She's a traitor." They say.

We find Sokka and Katara and Aang tells us to follow him.We turn a couple of corners and still the wrong directions.Suddenly one of the Sages comes up to us.

"I don't want to fight you! I am a friend." He says.

"Firebenders aren't our friends!" Sokka says.

"Expect me,I'm a friend." I say.

"I know why you're here, Avatar."

"You do?" Aang asks.

"You wish to speak to Avatar Roku. I can take you to him."

We go to the sanctuary doors and the Sage gasps.

"The sanctuary doors are closed." Shyu says.

"Can't you just open them with firebending? Like you opened that other door?" Katara asks.

"No. Only a fully realized Avatar is powerful enough to open this door alone. Otherwise, the sages must open this door together, with five simultaneous fire blasts." Shyu explains.

"Well there's two of us the can do the fire blast,we just need three more." I say.

"Five fire blasts, huh? I think I can help you out." Sokka says.

"This is a little trick I picked up from my father. I seal the lamp oil inside an animal skin casing, Shyu lights the oil soaked twine and, ta-da! Fake firebending!" Sokka says holding up a bag.

"You've actually outdone yourself." I say.

"This might actually work." Shyu says.

Sokka places the last bag in the dragons mouth.

"The sages will hear the explosion, so as soon as they go off, you rush in!" Shyu tells us.

We all hide behind a column so we can get ready and rush in.

"It's almost sunset. Are you ready?" Katara says.

"Definitely." Aang responds.

Shyu lights the bag.He takes cover.Aang runs to the door and try's to go in.

"They're still locked!" Aang says.

Aang falls to his knees,then try's to airbend them open.

"Aang! Stop!There's nothing else we can do." Katara tells Aang.

"Hayes!Do something!" Aang tells looking at me.

"What am I gonna do.It needs five fire blast.I don't know if you realized but I'm one person." I say to Aang.

"I'm sorry.I'm just upset." Aang says.

I smiled a little.

"Wait!Sokka your a genius!" I say.

"How is Sokka a genius it didn't even work." Aang says.

"But it looks like it did.They're gonna open it to find you,then you can go in." I explain.

The other Sages run in and look at the door and Shyu.

"Come quickly! The Avatar has entered the sanctuary!"

"How did he get in?" Another sage asks.

I look around at everyone.Then the Sages open the door.

"Now Aang!" Shyu says.

Aang try's to run but Zuko grabs him and pins his arm behind him.

"The Avatar's coming with me! Close the doors! Quickly!" Zuko says.

Aang gets out of Zuko's grasp and sends him down some stairs.

"Go!" Katara yells.

Aang runs into the sanctuary.

"He made it!" I say happily.

Zuko comes back up and asks Shyu why he helped Aang.Then commander Zhao comes in the room.

"What a moving and heartfelt performance. I'm certain the Fire Lord will understand, when you explain why you betrayed him." Zhao says. "And Prince Zuko. It was a noble effort, but your little smokescreen didn't work. Two traitors in one day, the Fire Lord will be pleased."

"If I'm going down,my sisters coming with me.She has to be here.She's been traveling with the Avatar." Zuko says.

"Way to throw me under the bus." I mumble.

"How's Aang gonna make it out of this?" Katara worried.

"How are we gonna make it out of this?" Sokka asks.

Zhao and the other Sages blast the door with fire hoping to kill Aang.

"Avatar Roku is going to destroy the temple! We have to get out of here!" Shyu tells us.

"Not without Aang." Katara says.

Avatar Roku comes out and melts the floor with trail of firebending.The steam of the lava cause a explosion.I cover my eyes and sit on the floor.I look over to Katara and Sokka.Sokka's protecting his sister.I wish I had a brother like that.Then Avatar Roku disappears leaving Aang on the floor.We run over to Aang to help him.

"We got your back." Sokka says lifting him to his feet.

"Thanks. Where's Shyu?" Aang asks.

"I don't know." I say.

We all help Aang walk.I look ahead and see the stairwell filled with lava as the Temple was leaning.

"I guess that means the hole in the wall." I say.

We look down and see Appa and Momo.We all hop down on Appa's saddle.

"We're alive." I say smiling. "Thank goodness."

I sit in the back of the saddle while Katara is in the front with Aang.Sokka sits next to me.

"You're a good brother." I tell him.

"Sometimes.Or times I'm just a big jerk." He says.

"Brothers are jerks sometimes." I say.

"I'm glad your okay."

"I'm glad your okay too."

The Fire Princess |ATLA Fanfic|  (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now