While they where arguing Jackie picked me up and yelled

Jackie:" I'LL TAKE HIM!"

She then went outside the room and went outside. An took of with her hugging me tightly to her chest. She landed on the sand.

Jackie:" they'll be here soon but if not we have the entire beach to our selfs."

Before I could respond she began to undress making me blush under my helmet and turned around.
Jackie:" What wrong thought you wanted a show~."

Me:" Well I'm gonna go change behind a bush now bye bye!"

Jackie:" awww."

I ran behind a bush a changed into my swimming shorts but left my helmet on. I walked out of the bush to see Jackie already swimming....Wait if she has wires or whatever inside her wouldn't the water make her short circuit? Ya know what I don't wanna know. I ran into the surprisingly warm water."

Jackie:" Adam the helmet."

Me:" W-What helmet?"

Jackie:" Adam."

Tackled me pushing me into the water while I was squished by her personalities as she took my helmet and said

Jackie:" I got it!"

Me:" Give it back!"

Without my helmet it showed my completely white hair and my face.

Jackie:" Your cute!"

I blushed

Me:" Just give it back."

Jackie:" I think I like you better without your helmet."

She threw it near my clothes. But as soon as she did that Jessica and Lisa arrived in bikinis. Their eyes locked on to my face. But Lisa ran and jumped in before anyone could say anything. Lisa then pooped out in front of me splashing me in the process.

Lisa:" You never told us you had white hair!"

Me:" Well it's natural I was born with it..."

Jessica:" Well i think it suites you better than a helmet."

Jackie:" Let's cut the talking and get to the fun~!"

Time skip

We swam and swam, but I decided to swim out far and stay there and just enjoyed the silence. Until I felt something tug on my shorts and then felt something  pull them off.

Jessica:" Got em!"

Me who was as red as a tomato:" Give them back before they come over here!"

Jessica:" Not unless you give me a kiss~."

Me:"......just give them back."

Jessica:" KISS first."

Me:" Fin-"

But she grabbed me and clashed her lips into mine before I could finish talking. She then put her tongue into my mouth and explored every inch of it. But she soon parted due to her realizing that I couldn't breath and as running out of much needed air.

Jessica:" You taste good."

Me:" Can I have my shorts back."

She gave them to me and watch as I put them on in the water. I swam off from that and headed back to the beach. Only to find Lisa laying on her belly sunbathing. She noticed me and lifted her head up and looked at me.

Lisa:" Enjoy the view back there?"

She said as she shook her rear at me making me blush again. But instead of walking away I sat down next to her making her lifter her head up and rest it on her hands.

Me:" enjoying the sun?"

Lisa:" Mhm."

Me:" well looks like they're getting ready to go we should too."

Lisa:" Yeah."

Time skip

We arrived back at base and instead of putting my helmet on I left it off. We entered the room everyone else went to go make lunch while I went to go take a shower because everything thing itches. When I was done I went to the couch and laid down resting my eye and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Sorry for the long g wait I was busy working on another story we ya all in the next chapter

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