Damon is sat on the ground beside me, his side pressed against my leg for support. He's sitting in a pathetic slump but doesn't seem to be in any amount of pain besides the gashes created by Rebekah and the bear traps. His healing is slow timed without any human blood to power him though, so I try to force whatever I can of my own power to him while being discreet about it.

Rebekah rolls her eyes in annoyance, "What do you have to offer?"

Stefan throws a small duffle bag on the floor between us and unzips it to reveal stakes of wood. I shake my head in disbelief at the sight of so many of them.

"Stefan," Damon groans, "what are you doing?"

"Eight stakes made of white oak. The part of Wickery Bridge that you forgot to burn."

Klaus shoots his gaze to Rebekah in surprise. Damon shakes his own head in shame now that Stefan has just guaranteed the Mikaelson's survival by providing their weapons.

"That's impossible," Rebekah breathes.

"Actually, it's not." Stefan continues, "Finn is dead."

"You killed my brother?"

Stefan shifts his gaze to mine for only a moment and I shake my head very quickly to warn him away. Thankfully, neither one of the siblings notice.

Klaus is visually upset, and the level of my regret skyrockets as he moves to guard me even more prominently. He knows that the death of Finn relates to all of us being linked together, but he doesn't understand that I had everything to do with it.

"Damon in exchanged for the last eight weapons that can kill you," Stefan offers.

Klaus narrows his eyes, "And how do I know there aren't any more left?"

"Because there aren't."

"Let's be certain, shall we?"

Klaus turns around to where Damon is on the floor. I bend down with him to ensure no harm will come to my friend, but Klaus takes his chin between his fingers anyways.

"Minus the stake that's in my brother, how many more stakes are out there that can kill me?"

"Eleven," Damon croaks.

"Eleven!" Klaus bellows. "Really? So, not eight then."

Rebekah smirks, "You really shouldn't have lied."

"I'll get you the other three." Stefan decides, breaking the tension.

"Yeah, that'll be nice. Or since you lied, maybe I'll just compel your brother to chew out his own tongue."

"What is wrong with you?" Stefan snaps, protectively.

"What is wrong with you? Do you really have no appreciation for me? I have given you someone to hate, to loathe, a target for all of your anger; so, you don't have to turn it on yourself." Klaus turns to Stefan now with a laugh, "I have given your life purpose, as your friend. I really think you should be thanking me."

In the blink of an eye, Stefan rushes at Klaus and forces him against the wall. A stake he must have had hidden on him is in his hand, pointed at Klaus's heart. I wave my hand absentmindedly and the white oak falls to the ground.

"Seriously, Clara?" Stefan huffs angrily.

I roll my eyes, "Kill him and Rebekah will kill Damon. And you!"

"Thanks for the concern, love," Klaus sarcastically chuckles.

He picks up the stake from the floor and grips it protectively before finding his way back in front of me. I spell the bag of stakes to slide closer to us, just in case.

Immortals [Klaus Mikaelson]Where stories live. Discover now