double bloop

14 1 4

so uhm

I was tagged again, this time by PixieUnicorn2003


1. Post your answers in any part of your book or you should make another book for this

2. Mention who tagged you


1. If you were given $100,000, what would you do?

2. If you sat in a plane beside your fave celebrity, what would you do?

3. The strangest thing you own

4. Who do you ship (OTP)

5. 10 random facts about yourself

6. Favorite anime (if you don't watch, them just say you don't watch)

7. Favorite dinosaur

8. Your birthday

9. Nicki Minaj or Cardi B

10. Tag 15 people (nahhh bro it's too much of a struggle)

alright lettuce begin

1. If I had $100,000, I would probably put it somewhere safe for college or smthn

2. I would try not to get motion sickness?? because that  s u c k s   m a n

3. I don't know?? How about a metal poster thing that says 'I fart in your general direction'?

4. *struggles in multishipper* probably ShinDeku or just anything as long as it's legal?

5. ten random facts? okay

-My dad and three of my sisters are in Utah right now

-I've been watching movies and let me tell you, one part of the Doctor Strange movie is strange man

-I have Hamilton stuck in my head pretty much 24/7 (thanks sister)

-I have an honorary pet chick at my friends house named Toast (but also Jelly because of the others' names)

-I'm eating Salt and Vinegar Lays right now and living my best life

-I just stayed up all night because my sleep schedule is non-existent

-This book has the second most chapters out of all my books (after my art book)

-I draw random crap mostly traditionally, but I draw on my phone too

-I have (had) a really bulky laptop that had it's charging port broken (not my fault), fixed, and then broken with one of the hinges broken as well. (this clumsy person dropped it) it bad that I've never really watched any Marvel movies until recently?

6. probably BNHA, I mean, what do you expect

7. Ichthyosaur

8. October third

9. I? haven't? heard of these? people?

10. too much of a struggle so I won't do this

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