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tagged once more (also another one after this)

l e t ' s   d o   t h i s

1. Who was I tagged by? Magdalene-Baxter B)

2. What is my Zodiac? Libra

3. What is my favorite game? Idk maybe Minecraft or smthn like that

4. Favorite song/artist? I really like 'Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story' from Hamilton, so that.

5. Say something to my fans/followers. Uh... Hi you're on a rock floating in space, pretty cool huh.

6. Favorite movie/show? I? Don't really? Have one? if I had to choose though, probably BNHA because W H Y   N O T

7. Either say a "Did you know" fact or a joke. uhm- Did you know that owls actually have long legs? (the babies looks like aliens, according to my family)

8. Tag 20 people. Twenty? I think not. 

If I do tag you, sorry ;-;


h e c k   I   c a n ' t   f i n d   a n y m o r e   p e o p l e   s o r r y

you don't have to do it

Pfft- I've done been taggedWhere stories live. Discover now