Chapter 13: Growing Abilities

Start from the beginning

Cisco raises his hands and claps them. "Heat Wave." Cisco waits for everyone's reactions.

"Hmm?" Caitlin shrugs.

Andi raises her eyebrows and shakes her head with a smirk. Barry walks to the monitor and read some of the information about "Heat Wave".

"I kinda like it." Dr. Wells brings up his opinion as he enters the room. "Barry you look like you're thinking too hard."

"It's just that, I remember him being able to walk through the fire." Barry says as he folds his arms.

"And should of burned." Caitlin says.

Barry turns to Caitlin and raises his eyebrows, waiting for what she will say next. "I researched to look into it more." Caitlin responds.

Caitlin walks as fast as she can to her desk with her five inch heels and pencil skirt. She types quickly and points at the monitor for Barry to see. Barry stands on the other side of the desk. Andi sits down on the chair next to Cisco who's sits at the middle. Caitlin sits at the left end of the desk, typing away.

Andi sits back holding her coffee and taps her tan ankle boots on the ground. Barry and Andi share a short stare wondering what they will learn next.

"When you described what he looked like, I thought about how it must of involved his suit." Caitlin analyzes. "It is made of a mineral called asbestos."

Barry turns to Andi giving her the 'What does that mean?' face expression.

"Fireproof." Andi summarizes after taking another sip. "Asbestos is used to resist heat which leads to why he can walk through fire."

"Just like how you're suit is able to resist friction. His suit is able to resist fire." Caitlin clarifies.

"He got away because of walking through fire." Barry says. "We need to stop from before he gets away for a third time."

"You mean you want to create a plan." Andi acknowledges as she grabs her hair to play with her long and thin french braid. "To stop him."

"Or I can have another hand in the field." Barry pauses.

Andi snaps her attention at Barry, ready to object. "No."

"Yes." Barry argues. "Andi."

"Barry." Andi mocks Barry as rolls her eyes at him, annoyed.

"Barry," Caitlin cuts in. "If Andi was put into the field, with you, what do you expect to happen?"

"She can help me take them down." Barry notes.

"All the way downtown." Cisco laughs.

"Not the best time for a pun." Andi mumbles to Cisco, who sits at her left.

"Together we can fight and use our powers then-"

"We got 99 problems and he won't be one." Andi singed.

"Andi won't be ready, she's going to be a lot more testing and training like you." Caitlin lectures.

"Testing!" Andi hollered. "Like you have to test my blood?" Caitlin nods. "Great, just great." Andi bits down on her teeth.

"Barry, we shouldn't need to have another conversation about how powerful Andi is." Dr. Wells reminds him.

Barry's jaw clenches. "That's why she can help." Barry comments.

"We want to contain the meta-humans," Dr. Wells states. "Not kill them."

Andi's head snaps up at him. Fear flashes in her eyes. I can kill? Barry turns to Andi sees her mood changed. He turns back to Dr. Wells and feels anger rush through his veins like adrenaline. He grits his teeth together and furrow he eyes on his friends.

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