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Celebrating valentine's day together, twelveth grade

"Kisha get up. You don't want to be late ."Jaemin said ang snatched the pillow that I was hugging.

"Jaemin I don't wanna go. Principal Moon said that it's okay if we skip school today." I said and tried to get back my pillow. There are no classes today. It's our choice if we want to come to school and enjoy the booths or just stay at home.

"It's valentine's day. We should celebrate or something. "Jaemin said and laid beside me and hugged me

"Please." he said while gently combing my hair using his fingers

"Fine." I said and got out of bed and then I pulled him up.

"Get out." I said while pointing at the door.


"I'm going to take a bath."

"Can I join?"

"Wanna die?"

He let out a small chuckle and then left

"I wanna go home." I said as soon as we stepped inside the school. It's too crowded.

"We'll go home later." Jaemin said and then dragged me to the nearest booth that sells different kinds of jewelry.

I looked at the items, looking for something that is worth buying.

Then a specific ring caught my attention. It has a small cute bunny at the center.

"You want that?" Jaemin asked while pointing at the ring.

I nodded and fished my wallet from my pocket. When I was about to pay for it the lady didn't accept it and said that jaemin already paid for it and she pointed at a figure beside me.

When I looked where the lady was pointing, I was surprised when I saw jaemin kneeling in front of me while holding the ring on his hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked him

Students start to gather around us. It was like we're in some romance drama and the leading man is going to propose to the girl he loves.

"Kisha Jung will you marry me?" he said and then pointed at the marriage booth

That question made the whole crowd squeal.

"Can I say 'no'?"

"Okay I'm giving you two choices. If your answer is yes, say 'yes' , if your answer is no, you're going to drag me to that marriage booth and marry me." he said and gave me a smile.

"I don't have a choice, do I?" I asked and he immediately shook his head as an answer.

"So? What's your answer?" he asked

Instead of answering him, I grabbed the collar of his uniform, pulling him up and then smashed my lips against his.

It was just a short kiss.

"You still haven't answered my question."

"Yes." I said and dragged him towards the marriage booth.

first love | na jaeminTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon