His Wish (AKA Prologue)

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Miles POV:

Hello, my name is Miles Prower, I lived my whole life near my house, I was never allowed to leave home, but even if I left home, how will I get far while I'm sick? Your probably wondering what kind of sickness I have, well, I have the rare Shardviruis. This illness is a sickness in were your immune system was born weak, but in a different way, no medicine can make it stronger, not even eating veggies can help it. This illness also prevented me from walking properly, so I constantly use a crutch when I get out of my bed. Some consider me lucky that I get to stay home and do what I want before homeschooling, but they are very wrong. I'm always bored at home, there is nothing to do besides staring around my all too familiar room. The farthest I could go out of my house was my front and back yard. But I don't try to escape because I don't want to die without my parents knowing. Everyday I have to hear my parents cry and argue because of my sickness, I worry that I will die in my sleep, and I worry about what will happen to my parents after I'm gone. I would from time to time sneak into the garage to be in my fathers workshop, but my parents would keep catching me in there, so they gave me a little miniature workshop in my room, and I love tinkering with random gadgets I'd find around the house, but, like everything, the happiness didn't last long, although I still love tinkering and building stuff, that didn't stop me from feeling like I'm nothing but a useless character in a story book whose only propose is to say "Ahhhh!!!" I can't take it anymore!!! I want to see the world and live a life!!! But I knew that my parents wouldn't want that. Today was another ordinary day.

Mom: Good morning Tinker Bell!!! How are you today.

Miles: I'm fine, and can you stop calling me Tinker Bell, I'm not a girl.

Mom: It suites you Miles!

Dad: Leave my poor kid alone Rosemary, he's only 8 years old

Mom: Can't a mother be proud of her baby boy?

Miles: MOM!!!! -blushes in embarrassment-

Mom: Relax, no one is around here Miles!

Dad: Hey kid, me and your mother are going to the store today, and we wanted to tell you that we will be going Miles Per Hour haha haha!!!

Miles: -groans-

Mom: Amadeus don't tease you son like that! But seriously sweetie we will be going to the store, remember the rules no-

Miles: "-leaving the house" yes I know!

Mom: Bye honey! -kisses forehead-

Mom and Dad would always leave me home alone when they would go shopping, but I always feel bad for them on their wedding anniversary because I was sick. But I would alway go online and reserve a fancy restaurant for them to have dinner at, they would always say that they should stay with me but I keep insisting for them to have time on their own. They are always really stressed with me, trying to see if there was a way to help me or in general paying for all of my doctor appointments, but I wished that once in a while they could take a break for a night out. When they do go out and I'm left on my own, I continue to work on my plane! When I first got my miniature workshop, I went to go see what I should tinker with, and in the distance a saw something, it looked like a crashed air plane, as much as I didn't want to disobey my parents, my Curiosity wanted me to check it out. That's when I found the plane, I told my parents and they weren't happy with me, but since I told them the truth, they said I can't work on it for a week, and it was fair. But since I started tinkering with it, I was able to improve the plane, almost remodeling it completely to hold a bigger engine to make it go faster than it already was. I found a small note in the plane and it said "Tornado" so I could only guess that it was called the Tornado. But it also had the word "Sonic" on the side of the plane. Anyways, after 1 hour, my parents came back home, and boy was I in for a surprise.

Dad: Were home Miles!!

Miles: Hi dad!

Mom: We have Surprise for you sweetie.

Miles: Really?

Dad: You said you wanted to explore the world so... -hands a flying license-

Miles: Flying License's?

Dad: Yeah! Your mother and I decided that it was time for you to see the world on the plane you've been tinkering on!

Miles: Really!!!!

Mom: Yes!!

Miles: THANK YOU!!!!

I hugged them both and flew up to my room

Note: Miles only flies to places when he's excited, which is saying something because he has almost no excitement in his life

—- The Next Day —-

I hugged my parents one last time and got on my plane I new how to drive a plane because yesterday I went on a test drive to learn how to drive a plane and to test to make sure the plane was stable enough to go on the adventure! I waved my parents farewell one last time and I was off! I never felt so free before in my life!!! I was finally going on this adventure! This once in a lifetime opportunity! I just hope that the world was as amazing as I imagined.

Thank you for reading this story, this is a story I had in the back of my mind for a very long time!!! I just hope that you enjoyed it as much I a enjoyed writing it!!! See you in the next chapter!

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