Intoductions & Crushes

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No one POV:

Tails: My name is Miles Prower, but my friends call me Tails! I lived almost my entire life near or inside my house, this is the first time I ever left the house entirely!

Amy: And why's that?

Tails: ... I have the Shardvirus...

Everyone was silent, Tails looked at the ground, he didn't stand, nor could he, it was silent before Silver broke the ice.

Silver: I had a sister, her name was Vennie, she also had the illness, she was a strong girl, it's was devastating when she left us.

Silver stared to tear up at the memories with his sister, Tails went up to him and hugged him, the albino hedgehog hugged back

Tails: I'm sorry for your loss

Silver: It's fine, as much as I want to go back and save her, her death made me who I am today!

They finally got to the ground and all went to Cream's house for the introduction, after greeting Vanilla, everyone sat down on the couch and started to introduce themselves.

Amy: I'm Amy Rose, Sonic's girlfriend

Sonic: -Whispers- Not

Tails: -giggles-

Cream: I'm Cream! Nice to meet you Mr. Tails!

Shadow: Humph, Shadow

Rouge: Rouge the bat, at your service

Silver: I'm Silver the hedgehog, time traveler from the future

Blaze: Blaze the Cat, princess of the Sol Dimension

Whisper: Whisper

Tangle: Tangle the Lemur, charmed!

Gadget: Gadget the Wolf here!

Maria: Maria Robotnik the Hedgehog, it's a pleasure to meet you!

Zero: Zero the Jackal, former villain

Tails: It's great to meet you all!

Sonic: So... what are we going to do??? I mean, Eggman now knows about Tails and probably will do anything to use him!

Tangle: I mean, we can't just babysit him! Neither can he fight! No offense

Tails: Non taken

Gadget: Then what do we do???

Sonic: Hmmmm.... I KNOW!!

Tails: What???

Sonic: Shadow, can you Chaos Controle Tails to the Tornado on Angle Island?

Blaze: I thought you crashed it on Westside Island

Sonic: But Tails fixed it! Even remodeling it to go faster!

Tails: It's nothing special really

Amy: Are you kidding?

Cream: That is something!

Tails blushed at Creams comment

Sonic: So Shadow?

Shadow: Fine

And with that, Shadow and Tails teleported to the Tornado, Shadow saw that Tails was thinking about something

Shadow: Whatcha thinking about Fox Boy?

Tails: -snaps out of trance- Huh? Oh, nothing special

Shadow: You seem deep in thought, it's obviously something

Tails: But I can't say for sure, it has something to do with one of you guys and I just met you all!

Shadow: Dose it have to do with crushing on one of the girls?

Tails looked back at Shadow, Shadow raised an eyebrow, waiting for an answer

Tails: H-How can you be sure its that?

Shadow: It's quite obvious because one, you blushed at either Amy's or Cream's comment, two, you admitted that you were thinking about one of us, three, you stuttered, and four, you are a horrible lier

The kit facepalmed mentally, how could he be that dumb to not see that Shadow was right

Tails: Fine, I confess

Shadow: I'll tell you this, I may or may not have this crush on Maria, it's weird since she's like a sister to me, but it's true

Tails: ... I'm shooked.... I guess I have a crush on Cream

Shadow: Knew it

Tails: Wait what?

Shadow: Knew it

Tails: I know but how

Shadow: I'm the Ultimate Life form

Tails: That dosen't answer my question

Shadow: But it should

Tails: That doesn't even make any sense!

Shadow: Lets leave that off that

Tails: Ok, do you know anyone else who has a crush on who???

Shadow: Sonic likes Amy, al though he's too stubborn to admit it, and she like him back, Knuckles likes Rouge and she like him back, Silver likes Blaze and she likes him back, Gadget may or may not like Tangle but I know she likes him back, Zero likes Whisper, and although she is really good at hiding her emotions I'll give her that, I can see right through it and she likes him back, I need to observe Cream to see if she likes you back though

Tails: And Maria?

Shadow: I don't like to observe her, she's too nice

Tails: ...

Shadow: Lets just get the dang plane off the island and get back down, don't tell ANYONE what I said to you ok?

Tails: Alright


Sorry for the wait guys

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