Don't ask me complicated questions

Start from the beginning

I know how pathetic I look right now but I still put on a brave face. Rather the bravest face I can muster up at this moment.

Rafe steps closer to me and he spits in my face. "Ew I don't want your fucking herpies" I say wiping his spit off of my face.

We are so closer that our faces are almost touching. I slap him across the face and spit on him a little blood coming out.

He pushes me to the ground next to Pope and both of the boys start kicking the shit out of us. I feel tears well up in my eyes but I refuse to cry in front of them.

"We don't want dirty Pogues here got that?" Rafe speaks as they both stop kicking us "Stay off figure eight pogues" he adds.

"Fucking assholes" I call out to them as they walk away.

"Shit" I groan out holding my stomach "Are you ok?" Pope asks me more worried about my injuries than his.

"Yeah I'm fine are you good?" I question him "Yeah just a broken rib or seven" He jokes and I chuckle.

"This is going to be fun to hide from the boys" I mumble.

"Very" Pope comments he gets up than helps me up.

I take my bandana out of my hand and adjust my hair to hide the scrape on my cheek.

"Let's go" I sigh leaning my head on Pope's shoulder as we walk to the boat.


"Guys!" JJ says excitedly jogging towards the boat "You are not going to believe what just happened to me, man! Whoo! That was the best 100 bucks I've ever made!" He says happily I give him a smile but I quickly cover it because of my busted lip.

"When I say count me in on all these grocery deliveries, Pope. I mean it" JJ says Pope and I stay quiet.

I bring my knees to my chest and rest my head on them.

"What's up with you two?" JJ chuckles I just focus on my finger tapping on my knees. "Bro you good?" He questions Pope.

JJ soon noticed Pope's face and I rest my head on my hand using my palm to cover my lips and my fingertips to cover the cut on my cheek. I don't want him to see me like this.

"Yo what happened to your face dude?" He questions JJ lifts up Pope's hat to reveal all the injuries on Pope's face.

"Jesus!" JJ yells "What happened?" He asks "Rafe and Topper jumped us" Pope says JJ immediately whips around looking at me noticing that Pope said 'us' and not 'me'.

"Goldie C'mere please" JJ says walking closer to me my heart was racing out of my chest. "Um I think I'm good right here but thanks for the offer" I tell him.

"Goldie" he says then he kneels down next to me. "Move your hand please" he says "I'm good actually. My hand is very comfortable exactly where it is" I tell him.

He reaches over to me and gently pulls my wrist away from my face.

"Jesus Christ!" He says looking at my busted lip and my scraped cheek.

"I'm gonna fucking kill them" He says sitting down beside me. He pulls me into his lap "Can I help?" I joke he shakes his head and I pout.

"They said no pogues on their side of the island" I mumble.

JJ wraps his arms around my waist "Ow" I say then I take his arms off of me.

I lift my shirt up slightly and see some bruises on my stomach "That's gonna cause eternal bleeding"


"Malibu, 24 MXZ" Pope says as the three of us look at Toppers boat that was docked near his house.

I was excited for this. They deserved it.

"The worlds finest wake-setter. Number one in quality luxury and performance" I add repeating JJ's statement from when we saw Topper and the one who shall not be named on the boat.

"This is war. They hit us, we hit them" JJ spoke "Heed not the rabble who scream revolution" I mumble JJ and Pope gave me a questioning look.

"Listening to Hamilton was the only way I passed eighth grade history" I tell them.

I take my bandana out of my hair and slip it over my mouth putting on a pair of sunglasses I had stolen from JJ a while back.

Pope jumps into the water and starts swimming towards Topper's boat.

"I wanted to do it but nooooooo" I whisper "You already do enough illegal things Goldie" JJ tells me as Pope quickly comes back onto the boat.

"Exactly what's one more dent on an already damaged record" I point out.

"You did it I'm so proud of you!" JJ cheers on Pope. "Good job Popey" I say happily giving him a side hug.

"JJ, Marigold" I look at Pope curiously he never uses my full name. "We can't tell anybody"

"Yeah I know" I nod moving from hugging Pope to standing beside JJ.

"Oh no. Yeah. Totally dude-"

"I'm serous guys. Nobody. Not Kie, not John B. Nobody" Pope says in all seriousness.

"My lips are sealed" I say pretending to lock my lips and throwing away the invisible key.

"Give me that" JJ says taking the cap from Pope's hands and throwing into the water.

"Okay we're good let's go" I say to Pope as he starts driving the boat.

I snuggle into JJ's torso and his hand gently hug my waist.

I take in a deep breath in.

"You smell good" I mumble into JJ's chest "Thank you goldie" he chuckles gently placing his head on mine as we sway back and forth while Pope drives the boat.

"No like you really smell good. What cologne is that?" I ask sniffing JJ's shirt "I can't remember" "Well tell me when you do because I'm buying you as many bottles as I can" I tell him.

"No you don't have to do that princess-" "Don't care I'm doing it" I tell him I look up at JJ and give him a small smile.

I worked at a nice hotel in figure eight . I worked as housekeeping and sometimes I would babysit on the side to make some extra money.

I got paid really good working at the hotel so I always had a bit of extra money to spend on the pogues. I love seeing their faces when I bring them small gifts or when I randomly show at the chateau after a shift with cupcakes.

(A/N: that was like totally random but I wanted to mention that she worked and where she did lol)

"I told him he had a micro penis" I tell JJ and he laughs "Who?" He chuckles "Rafe" I add laughing a bit.

"Have you actually?" "It was a dark day for me. We don't talk about it"

A/N: Okay this question is a two parter lol

What do you think about what Goldie told Pope on their grocery trip?

And what do you think of Rafe and Topper beating up Goldie and Pope??

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