III- Gokai Change to Legendary Ranger Mode!

Start from the beginning

"Rangers, we all should rest. We'll fight tomorrow and take back our legend. We did not just put everything we had. Not every sweat and tear. Not every sacrifice into finding the Armada only for this guy to show up and take all of that away! No. We will not fall. We'll show Flag the power of the Rangers." Troy would put his hand in the middle, all of the rangers following suit.

"Earth's defenders…"

"NEVER SURRENDER!" They all would finish. The rangers would lock the cave before going their own homes in hopes of recovering.

The next day at school, the rangers were unable at all to focus on their classes. Noah especially had a rough time, eventually giving up and putting his head down. No one seemed to understand what was going on with them and whenever a professor or a friend would ask them, "What's wrong?" their responses were all the same. "Nothing just tired. That's all, really." Soon, classes were over and the rangers went directly to the cave.
"Are we all ready?" Troy asked of them. A response was not needed as all they did was nod. All that was left to do was to wait for time to pass.

The Gokaigers had a hard time sleeping as well. At the very least, Luka and Joe seemed ready to fight. They were also very angry, Joe in particular angry at himself.
"How could I fall so easily? How could I not see that coming?!"
Marvelous looked at Joe before shaking his head.
"What could you have done? What could all of us have done? He beat us, short and simple. We weren't ready at the time. We are, now. The keys he stole from us, we'll get them back. We'll even steal from his ship. Understand?"
Joe would nod, Marvelous clapping him on the back. Soon, the pirates made their way to the chosen battle field. As did the Rangers.

Troy looked in the distance, finding a treasure box.

"Guys, look over there! Do you see that?"
"Do you think our ranger keys are in it?"
"There's only one way to find out!"
As the rangers would run up to the box, Noah suddenly had a thought.
"Guys…Hold it! We could be walking right into a trap!" Troy would nod before opening the treasure box, finding a bunch of ranger keys.
Jake grinned. "That was easy!" The others groaned.
"Jake! You never say that-Guys, I hear footsteps-"

The pirate sentai arrived, spotting the teenagers standing around their treasure chest.
"Marvelous, do you think that they're working with Flag?!"
Marvelous pauses as he reached into his belt, taking out his Gokai Gun.
"It's better not to take any chances. After all, this is a perfect spot for an ambush." Joe noted.
Marvelous would nod, before running, everyone taking out their own Gokai Guns and firing at the group of teenagers.

As Troy and the others would turn around, they would be suddenly attacked by a barrage of bullets, jumping back as an explosion ensued, causing the rangers to fall into the exact battle ground. The Gokaigers would run after them, jumping after them to face them one by one.

"I don't know who you are but we won't let you take away our keys. The past rangers entrusted all of us with them in the hopes that we'll defend the earth! We won't let them down!" Troy said, trying to make it up. He wasn't at one hundred percent. No one was at one hundred percent. Yet here they all, wanted to take back their keys, not knowing at all about the other.
Marvelous would only smirk. "Your keys? You earth brats surprise me at times. You better run to your parents before you get spanked." Marvelous would aim his Gun at Troy, the other rangers standing up.

"Then you leave us no choice." Troy would take out his Super Mega Force morphers, the other rangers following suit. "It's Morphin' Time!"

Marvelous would take out his Gokai Cellphone Mobilates, the other members of the sentai following suit. "Gokai…Change!"

The rangers and Sentai would take out their keys, and transform into their respective colors posing when needed.

"Super Mega Force, Red."
"Super Mega Force, Blue!"
"Super Mega Force, Yellow."
"Super Mega Force, Green!"
"Super Mega Force, Pink!"
All together they would say, "Earth's defenders never surrender!" A massive explosion happened in the background, all the energy colliding behind them.

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