III- Gokai Change to Legendary Ranger Mode!

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Captain Marvelous stood behind Don on the landed Gokai Galleon.

"The ship has taken severe damage Captain Marvelous-San…"

Captain Marvelous would clench his fist, heavily frustrated in the outcome of the fight. Luka is in the med bay, recovering while Joe is up but nowhere near to fighting condition. Marvelous had forced Joe to stay down, not wanting him to over exert himself. Marvelous suddenly punches the wall in anger.

"We over under estimated him! That bastard stole our keys."

Ahim spoke up, hating to see the state in which Marvelous currently was in. "Marvelous-San, we'll get the keys back!"

Gai would chip it."After all, no one steals from the Go….Kaigers!" Gai would hold out his ranger key with a determined look on his face. Marvelous would nod, still visibly bothered.

"On the bright side, he left our Gokai Keys. That's all we need, right?" Don asked, getting up.

Marvelous would once again nod. "How long will it take for the ship to be repaired?"

"Not long. I'm sure I can fix it quickly."

Suddenly, on the ship's monitor, a transmission would open, showing a grinning Black Flag holding up the box containing all of the Ranger Keys. "If you ever want to see your ranger keys again, come to the crash site at 6 PM tomorrow. The one behind the city. That is, if you want to get your keys after all. I guess I'm the only one that would grasp the ultimate treasure in the universe."

Marvelous, in enraged, would walk up to the monitor, raising his fist angrily to Flag. "You should never have taken our keys or hurt my crew. I'll be there, taking back what belongs to us with this very hand." Marvelous would then proceed to punch the monitor, shattering the screen, causing Don to yell.

"Marvelous-San! We needed that!"

Marvelous would wave apologetically to Don. Gai would turn to Marvelous. "When you said that "I'll be taking back the keys", you meant all of us, right?" Gai would look at Marvelous in the eyes, causing him to sigh once more.

"Well, you are a pirate…" Marvelous would nod, causing Gai to brighten up. "We have until tomorrow to take back what's ours. Everyone retire to the bedrooms. We'll all go when everyone's rest up."
The pirate team would then retire, hoping that Joe and Luka would be in fighting shape by tomorrow's sunlight.

Troy would wake up, getting up, groaning in pain. To his surprise, the other rangers didn't much an inch yet.

"Guys…We need to get back our keys." The rangers would begin to stir, everyone beginning to get up. They went back to the cave, in an attempt to look at the damage and salvage what they could. To their dismay, the damaged body of Tensou was nowhere to be found and all of the ranger keys were got except for the Super Mega Force Ranger Keys. Troy would look around, trying to find the Mega Force keys. Instead, he found a note which Troy would read aloud.

"Oh rangers, I lied. I decided to take your Mega Force keys as well. It's not like they would have done anything to help you anyway. If you want to get back your keys, you will need to take them from me. 6 PM. That's the time I expect you all to be here at Emperor Marvo's crash site. After all, it is only fitting. Here, at this very site, the Legendary War happened allowing the rangers from all time to carve their image and becoming legendary. It only makes sense for the legend of the Power Rangers to end at the exact spot. And once the rangers are defeated, I'm sure Earth would be up for the taking.
Black Flag."

"Can you believe the nerve of this guy?" Noah asked, limping.

"We'll personally wipe that smirk off his face."
Everyone would nod, turning to look at Gosei. He was heavily damaged and it appeared that he wouldn't be in a position to help at all.

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