Chap.1 A School Full of Girls.

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After discovering Thomas can operate an IS, the staff of the school called Natasha Fairs about the problem. When she got their she secretly pulled him out of school and took him to a research facility and showed him around.

Natasha: So here is prototypical IS we've been working on.
Thomas: what model is it?
Natasha: It's the silver gospel mk.2.
Thomas: what happened to the first one?
Natasha: It was destroyed.
Thomas: oh.
As they continue along Natasha brought up a question that took thomas by surprise.
Natasha: will it be okay if i came other to your house and see your lab.
Thomas: well uhm.
Natasha: it's fine if you don't won't too.
Thomas: No it's fine you can come other.

As the tour ended Natasha gave the new IS to thomas, and they both went to his home and his lab. As got home his parents greeted Natasha and gave her some coffee. She then joined thomas to his lab and saw junior for the first time.

Natasha: So this is were you made junior?
Thomas: yep, a pieces of equipment, fossilized amber, and unfertilized ostrich eggs.
Natasha: so why did you choose t-rex first.
Thomas: mostly when i was extracting the dna I didn't what it was until he hatch from an egg.
Natasha: oh, well i got to go now, the news will be all over you because you can now operate an IS now.

When Natasha left, Thomas was soon off towards the IS academy, when him and junior arrived he was told drop his stuff off at his room and get ready for lunch to be over with at school. When he got to his room it had one bed and a bathroom with a toilet in it unlike the other rooms. When he got ready he looked at junior who was fast asleep on the bed.

Thomas: oh you silly ol'dino.

As the lunch time had passed Thomas walked down the hallway towards the classroom, just then he saw a tall woman with business attire and long black hair.

Thomas: uhm, excuse me do you know were class 1-1 is?
???: Yes, and I also teach said class, so you refer to me as Miss. Orimura.
Thomas: alright, thank you Miss. Orimura.

As they both walked down the hall, they ran into anther woman but with green hair and glasses.

Miss. Orimura: Oh miss yamada, i would like you thomas our new student.
Miss. Yamada: oh so he's the breed that animal.
Thomas: yep.
Miss. Orimura: So this is the classroom, but wait out here until we call you in.
Thomas: alright.

As both Miss. Orimura and Miss. Yamada went into the class, thomas wait until he was called in. When he was called into the room every girl in the room started cheering about another boy in the school.

Thomas:*oh god give me strength to not jump out this window*
Miss Orimura: so go ahead and give your introductions.
Thomas: oh, hello my name is Thomas Grant and it's nice to meet y'all.
Miss Orimura: alright, go take your seat other their and we will begin class.

During class every time the teacher asked a question to the class Thomas hand immediately up to answer the question as well as taking notes. But today class ended 10 minutes early.

Chifuyu: So Mr grant, when did you learn all of this even though you just started today.
Thomas: I did my research before coming here and had little bit of practice with an IS unit as well.
Chifuyu: who taught you?
Thomas: Natasha Fairs.
Chifuyu: I see, let me ask you something?
Thomas: sure what is it?
Chifuyu: when you were putting your stuff in your room you had a big travel crate for an animal, so what is it?

As everyone in the room listen in on the conversation everyone was intrigued by what was in the crate.

Thomas: it's junior the dinosaurs i breed.
Ichika: wait, why did you bring it here.
Thomas: because when he was born he imprinted on me and formed a parental bond with me.
Chifuyu: so what you are saying is that you are it's mother.
Thomas: yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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