He starts removing his cloathes and tosses it to the near bin. He head straight to the shower to release some steam off. He doesn't want to think anymore.

After taking a bath Mingkwan slips into bed only wearing some sweatpants. He was too exhausted to grab a shirt or a tank top.

He grabbed the baby monitor to check his angels. The two little bub was sleeping soundly on their own. He scanned the room hoping to see a trace of the teenager but it seems like the younger guy went to his own room already.

Mingkwan sighed and secured the monitor on his bedside table along with his personal phone. He wince as he remembered how he reacted a while ago. He closed his eyes hoping for a peaceful sleep.

After an hour the CEO breathes heavily while sleeping

"You're so weak Ming." The voice he hated the most echoed inside his head.

Mingkwan tossed and let out an anguished groan. He smells iron, sees red with her twisted smile. The same nightmare he's been having after she died.

The reason why he was scared of sleeping.

"How pathetic. The great Mingkwan Daechapanya looking like this?" The girl breathes hard as she forcefully pushed mingkwan's in her. His hands were tied and every parts aches, bruises all over his body.

She bounced up and down while staring at the mortified expression of him. She was moaning and laughing at the same time.

"You enjoyed being used like this? Does it excites you? A little whore you are my ming" She whispered as she digs her nails on his back. Mingkwan can feel his back burns from being whipped. He felt as if it was real. He just panted hard as silent tears scapes his eyes.

He feels like he was slowly drowning as she faded. He forcefully opens his eyes and abruptly sat up. It feels like the nightmare just happened for real. His whole body was trembling. Hair dreanched with sweat and his stomach clench and he wants to throw up.

He bolted straight to the bathroom and washes his face hard. He retches but nothing came out, his heart was thumping hard agaist his chest.

Mingkwan's legs were wobbly so he grabbed the sink to support his body. He looks ahead and saw his reflection in the mirror in front of him.

"You look pathetic" her statement lingered inside his head on repeat.

Out of fury he hits the mirror hard that caused his knuckles to burst again. His whole body was too numb to feel the burning sensation around his hands because it was nothing compared from what he felt earlier. He unclench his jaws as he watch the white sink be tainted from his own blood. He opened the faucet to wash his hands not even wincing when the water hits his fresh laceration. The old scars on his back also pulsated so he decided to wear an upper clothe.

It was three in the morning. He goes outside to quench his thirst. His throat was dry and he needs to rehydrate himself after sweating so hard. Although, his breathing is back to normal he still feels trapped from his own body. It was suffocating him.

He walks carefully to the kitchen but to his surprise he also sees Wayo looking at him wide eyes startled by his sudden appearance. Only the light from Wayo's phone illuminated the kitchen.

Mingkwan reach for the switch and turned on the lights. The younger guy immediately noticed his bleeding right hand.

"What happened to your hand?!" Wayo squeaked and immediately came closer to inspect his wounds.

The younger guy's reflexes kicks in and quickly went to the cupboard to look for the mini medicine kit that he insisted buying last week when they were out because he finds it cute. Mingkwan disapproved but he never really asked for his consent anyway.

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